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Smarty geting crazy

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Hello everyone!



It's been about 3 days now that I came across this problem but I'm still clueless. I'm trying to add two "borders" to the central column of my template but for a reason all I can get is the left border or the right border but having two sides at the same time is too much to ask :(


If I written border in coma it's because in my case, I can't user the css propriety "border:" because I want to set a background image instead of a border.

I already tought of the css "border-image" but it doesn't seems to be interpreted by a lot a broswers moreover I need a diférent image at each border.


So I tried this two path but each time with the same result:


- method #1


HTML code



<div id="columns">
<!-- Center -->
<div id="center_column" >
<div class="center-right">
<div class="center-left">


CSS code


.center-left {

background: url(../img/test.jpg);
background-position:top left;
height:100% !important;
.center-right {

background: url(../img/test.jpg);
background-position:top right;
height:100% !important;


Method #2


HTML code

<div id="columns">
<!-- Center -->
<div id="center_column" >
<div class="center-right"> </div>
<div class="center-left"> </div>


CSS code



.center-left {

background: red;
background-position:top left;
height:100% !important;


background: red;
background-position:top right;
height:100% !important;





In both case I'm getting a nice red right border, it doesn't matter in wich order the HTML code is written. The only solution to get the left border is to write:





background: red;

background-position:top left;

height:100% !important;







But the contrary is false, mean that if I take the .center-left class and that I put it at the right nothing happen...


Why do I think that Smarty is messing with my css ?


When I look to the css code with biult-in Chrome tool or the with Firebug, I can see that the css instruction of the non-diplayed border are gone. All I get is:


.center-right{ }


If I edit the css in navigator "view" mode and I manualy inser the right css instruction ( see above) the magical is back and I can finaly see my two borders... SUPRISING isn't it ?


I'm really counting on you because I've never heard of mysterious css instructions disapearing and I just don't get it...



Please ask me question if you need any info to help me with this incredible problem.


Big thanks to all of you !




Edit: Version Presta 1.4.9

host: OVH shared server (I often get html error 500 by the way )

Edited by david929 (see edit history)
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