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Website Description

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You must go to:


Preferences -> SEO & URLs

and edit site, where you want to add description and other META tags




I want to add the description to the homepage of my website. Is it index.php?


In index.php, where should I add the description? Is it Meta description?

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exactly, it is index.php


Hello vekia


Is this the only place to do seo is in preferences > seo/urls? If so how many keywords am I allowed to use for Prestashop or is there another section to add more keywords? I am kind of confused on this. My web designer has not started this section yet but all my categories meta keywords are complete this is the only section that is not done.


Would you mind explaining it further for me? The reason I am asking vekia is because I am the owner of the company and would like to understand how all this works.


Thank you very much


Edited by clayton29657 (see edit history)
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