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[SOLVED] "URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server." using CGI/FastCGI

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URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server. If you want to use Friendly URLs you must activate this mod.

Hi, PS (Tools::apacheModExists) checks if PHP has enabled mod_rewrite. If you run PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode, PS does not detect it.


If you are sure that mod_rewrite works, you can override Tools::apacheModExists:


class Tools extends ToolsCore
 public static function apacheModExists($name)
return true;




Edited by puecher (see edit history)
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  On 10/7/2012 at 8:14 PM, puecher said:


Hi, PS (Tools::apacheModExists) checks if PHP has enabled mod_rewrite. If you run PHP in CGI/FastCGI mode, PS does not detect it.


If you are sure that mod_rewrite works, you can override Tools::apacheModExists:


class Tools extends ToolsCore
 public static function apacheModExists($name)
return true;





Where do i put this code?


Thank in advanced

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/10/2012 at 7:38 PM, pneeds said:

Where are these files located? I've run into this error but I'm completely lost with your explanation. Where do I find all these things?

Create a file called tools.php containing the code that I posted and upload the file to override/classes/tools.php.

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  On 10/23/2012 at 7:52 AM, puecher said:

Create a file called tools.php containing the code that I posted and upload the file to override/classes/tools.php.

i got error class Tools extends ToolsCore { public static function apacheModExists($name) { return true; } }


and can not access my website else!!


Help! Please

Edited by jesen (see edit history)
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Go to file /override/classes/tools.php



class Tools extends ToolsCore


with this:

class Tools extends ToolsCore
 public static function apacheModExists($name)
    return true;


go back to admin, select SEO & URLs from preferences, click on the save button.



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  • 5 months later...
  On 1/9/2013 at 10:27 PM, Never_give_up said:

Go to file /override/classes/tools.php



class Tools extends ToolsCore


with this:

class Tools extends ToolsCore
 public static function apacheModExists($name)
	return true;


go back to admin, select SEO & URLs from preferences, click on the save button.




Unable to find this in the told file. Please help. This issue is still not resolved in my PS1.5.4.1

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  • 1 month later...

I searched for the file tools.php and I do not have one. So I created a php file with the code given above. I put it into override/classes/tools.php and it did not work. I actually have two paths for override/classes/ so I added it in both. This still doesn't work and I still get the "URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server, or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs, you must activate this mod." message next to the Friendly URL in my prestashop 1.5.


Okay, I got this message to go away, by refreshing my File Manager. But then all the images turned to "?."


To fix "?" images, check out other posts on that topic.

Edited by generalexperts (see edit history)
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I did it and does not Work! I Still get the message:

Reescrita de URL (mod_rewrite) não está ativo no seu servidor, ou não é possível verificar a configuração do servidor. Se você quiser usar URLs amigáveis ​​você deve ativar este mod


My language is BR.

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Never_give_up, I looked for a "tools.php" file in the /override/classes folder and couldn't find one, so I tried creating one with just your code in it and it makes no difference. I also tried renaming "tools.php" to "Tools.php" to match the name of the file I found in the /classes folder, but this didn't help.


Out of curiosity, I modified /classes/tools.php to add your code, but that just breaks the back end altogether.


Any other ideas? This whole "friendly URL" issue seems to be a huge pain for all!



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I am new to PrestaShop and currently using PrestaShop version: Instead of apacheModExists I have overridden with modRewriteActive(). It works fine for me. Let us know whether it will affect other functionality in PrestaShop


class Tools extends ToolsCore
public static function  modRewriteActive()
return true;


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Guest D_Frost



im hosting PS 1.5.5 on a Strato Server and I can not get the URL rewriting to work using your suggestions. Any suggestions for me?



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  • 2 months later...
  On 9/20/2013 at 2:27 PM, yahyasiaga said:

Thanks...it's work...it's solved...  :)

Hy it's working.

PS 1.5.6.




class Tools extends ToolsCore


public static function apacheModExists($name)


return true;





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  On 4/6/2014 at 9:35 PM, taryono said:



Please help. my site can not acsess for www. but it can be acessed frfom no www

note : please forgive me if this question is not for this thread.



HI, the same problem for me. Have you found the solution yet?

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  • 1 year later...

How to check mod_rewrite enable or not.




I have check php information there are only 3 rewrite option - Please check below - and tell me mod_rewrite enable on not on my server. 


_ENV["IIS_UrlRewriteModule"] 7.1.0761.0


url_rewriter.tags a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=



_SERVER["IIS_UrlRewriteModule"] 7.1.0761.0





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