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Code is displayed on front end - How to fix?

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I installed 1.5 and am using the default template. I don't know code, so I'm not sure how to fix this without knowing the steps to follow. Can you please tell me how to fix the code, and what file to go to? Thank you!


Page link showing error: Quilt4Less


Screenshot shows the code on the front end.



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The code was already there when I installed the template and modules. The div id is "productscategory_list". What file do I need to edit? Link to site: http://quilt4less.co...troller=product


This is the code - what is the error???? My guess is there is something missing (beginning & ending code)This is the original code - no changes by me - I'm not a coder, so I don't know exactly why part of the code is displayed on my front end for customers.



<div id="{if count($categoryProducts) > 5}productscategory{else}productscategory_noscroll{/if}">

{if count($categoryProducts) > 5}<a id="productscategory_scroll_left" title="{l s='Previous' mod='productscategory'}" href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}">{l s='Previous' mod='productscategory'}</a>{/if}

<div id="productscategory_list">

<ul {if count($categoryProducts) > 5}style="width: {math equation="width * nbImages" width=107 nbImages=$categoryProducts|@count}px"{/if}>

{foreach from=$categoryProducts item='categoryProduct' name=categoryProduct}

{if count($categoryProducts) < 6}style="width: {math equation="width / nbImages" width=94 nbImages=$categoryProducts|@count}%"{/if}



Thank you for your help.

Edited by GrannyB (see edit history)
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I have figured out (I think) that the problem is with the module/blockcategories/tpl In the code there is a message about bug PSCFI-151. However, I don't know how to fix that.


Can someone please help me with this.

Thank you.

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