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[SOLVED] No product images after upgrading from to 1.5.1

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I just did the 1 click upgrade from version to the newest stable version 1.5.1 and everything looks like it went fine but now when I go to my products pages on the front end the images aren't showing up!


The thumbnails are showing up on the homepage under the "Featured Products" block, the "Last Viewed" block, etc. but all the images are broken when I go to any product page. I check the back-end and the images are all there under the products and I even went into a few combinations and they have the images "checked" that were checked before the upgrade.


Any ideas of what could be going on or what I might have done wrong?



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  On 10/5/2012 at 12:41 AM, ajensen27 said:

Oh and how do you clear the smarty cache?



I see the link to the images in 1.5.1 are name-home_default, name-large_default etc


I have image types set as home, large... without _default

After renaming image types [ or creating new ones] to home_default, large_default etc and regenerating product images everything works fine now...

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  On 10/5/2012 at 10:14 AM, Vallo92 said:


I also have this problem and I can not solve it! : (

Could you describe step by step what should I do?


Thank you!

Go to Preferences-->Images

You will see image types there [small, medium, home, large ... etc]

Press add new type name it home_default or rename existing one

Click regenerate product images for the types you've created and/or renamed

Edited by doubleD (see edit history)
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  On 10/5/2012 at 3:26 AM, Ventos312 said:

to change the file system - Preferences > Images > Use the legacy image filesystem - NO


clear the smarty cache - go to cache/smarty and delete files in both folders (do not delete index.php)


Thanks Ventos... I followed your instructions from above step by step and my images are still broken.. This is my test site if you want to take a look at how the image url's look.



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  On 10/5/2012 at 10:20 AM, doubleD said:

Go to Preferences-->Images

You will see image types there [small, medium, home, large ... etc]

Press add new type name it home_default or rename existing one

Click regenerate product images for the types you've created and/or renamed


Thanks for the help doubleD... So what your saying is I should recreate each image type and then delete the old one?

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  On 10/5/2012 at 12:52 PM, doubleD said:

Did you move images to the new FS?

Mine looks like site/1-267-large_default/300v-high-rpm.jpg

I do not see _default link in your url... Maybe you have a different problem...


Looks like I'm having the same issue... My current image url is this http://www.incontishop.com/27-home/pull-on-plastic-pants.jpg but when I add the _default after 27-home the image works.


Anyone know why this would be happening??? This seems to be the issue.

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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:06 PM, ajensen27 said:

Looks like I'm having the same issue... My current image url is this http://www.incontish...astic-pants.jpg but when I add the _default after 27-home the image works.


Anyone know why this would be happening??? This seems to be the issue.


Maybe .htaccess problem, try to disable seo friendly url and then enable it again to regenerate .htaccess

And rename image type 'large' to 'large_default' --> regenerate product images --> large_default...

or 'home' to 'home_default' then regenerate home_default

Edited by doubleD (see edit history)
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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:09 PM, doubleD said:

Maybe .htaccess problem, try to disable seo friendly url and then enable it again to regenerate .htaccess

And rename image type 'large' to 'large_default' --> regenerate product images --> large_default...

or 'home' to 'home_default' then regenerate home_default


It worked! I just took the _default out of all the image names and then re-generated the thumbs and all images are showing now... Thanks for all your help doubleD! And you to Ventos! Have a great day!

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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:28 PM, Vallo92 said:

Help me.... :(


Try this...

1. Disable SEO Friendly URL [Preferences->SEO...]

2. Go to Preferences->Images

3. Move images and Regenerate images

4. Set Use Legacy File System to 'No'

Check if that worked

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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:33 PM, doubleD said:

Try this...

1. Disable SEO Friendly URL [Preferences->SEO...]

2. Go to Preferences->Images

3. Move images and Regenerate images

4. Set Use Legacy File System to 'No'

Check if that worked


Does not work .... : (

When you see the catalog images do not appear ...

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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:39 PM, Vallo92 said:

Does not work .... : (

When you see the catalog images do not appear ...

What's your url to the image when SEO Friendly URL is off?

Should be something like this /img/p/6/3/63-home_default.jpg

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  On 10/5/2012 at 2:39 PM, Vallo92 said:

Does not work .... : (

When you see the catalog images do not appear ...


Try what I did.


1. Go to preferences --> images

2. Edit each image name (remove _default for instance)

3. Go to the near the bottom of the page and "regenerate thumbs" for All


Then check your site again. This worked for me and it looked like I had the same problem as you. Oh and turn friendly URL's on again.

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Ok, all my images work for the most part. The only place now that I've noticed they are still broken is under the "Images" tab of a product. This is the URL of the image http://www.incontishop.com/img/p/8/0/80-small_default.jpg


I don't have 'small_default' any more though, I renamed it to just 'small' under preferences --> images. Why would it still be looking at that old link?

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  On 10/5/2012 at 8:05 PM, ajensen27 said:

Ok, all my images work for the most part. The only place now that I've noticed they are still broken is under the "Images" tab of a product. This is the URL of the image http://www.incontish...all_default.jpg


I don't have 'small_default' any more though, I renamed it to just 'small' under preferences --> images. Why would it still be looking at that old link?

Very good question.

The same here...

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I'm not sure if it's a bug.

After clean install of prestashop and 1-click upgrade to 1.5.1 everything works fine...

I noticed that all image types were auto renamed to name_default.

But when I updated my existing database image type names were left unchanged (without _default).

So renaming image types manually [adding '_default'] and regenerating the images seems to solve the problem...


Prestashop Image Types post-95575-0-04185400-1349472083_thumb.png


Prestashop 1.5.1 Image Types post-95575-0-74197700-1349471957_thumb.png

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  On 10/5/2012 at 6:11 PM, ajensen27 said:

Try what I did.


1. Go to preferences --> images

2. Edit each image name (remove _default for instance)

3. Go to the near the bottom of the page and "regenerate thumbs" for All


Then check your site again. This worked for me and it looked like I had the same problem as you. Oh and turn friendly URL's on again.


I did this and it worked but I wasn't getting images in the "New Product" block. I was before I did this so I went back and put "_default" (without the quotes) back on medium images and they are back now.


Just in case anyone else runs into this and maybe might help with a fix.


Double Edit:

So adding _default after medium restores the image in the New Products block but removes the image thumbnails from a product page and removes the thumbnail image from the product Image edit in BO when you add an image. It just shows a number here.


Removing _default after medium does just the opposite. Removes the image from New Products Block and Image upload in BO. It does restore thumbs under main image on product page.


I'm using

At least this is how it's acting for me.

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Ok. I think I fixed it.

Here's what I did:

1. Go to preferences --> images

2. Edit each image name (remove _default for instance)

3. Go to the near the bottom of the page and "regenerate thumbs" for All

At this point all of my images were working except ones in the New Product Block and in the BO when adding an image to a product.

Here's how I fixed the New Product Block and BO issue:


4. Went to server. Navigate to .../modules/blocknewproducts/blocknewproducts.tpl

Changed line 35


<li{if $smarty.foreach.newProducts.first} class="first"{/if}><a href="{$product.link}" title="{$product.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'medium_default')}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" width="{$mediumSize.width}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" /></a></li>



<li{if $smarty.foreach.newProducts.first} class="first"{/if}><a href="{$product.link}" title="{$product.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'medium')}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" width="{$mediumSize.width}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" /></a></li>


or basically I changed $product.id_image, 'medium_default' to $product.id_image, 'medium' I removed the _default.


Edit: I should say they work in Firefox and Chrome but IE doesn't show any images at all yet. Still trying to figure that one out.


Double Edit: I have all the images working in IE now except images in the Recently Viewed Block.

How I did this was to change all the images back to having the _default after each. That made them show up on IE. They still show up on Firefox and Chrome. I didn't regenerate thumbnails. I have a feeling if I did, it would cause the images on FF and Chrome to go away.


I did notice that when _default is removed from all the image settings, the URL's of the images still have _default in them.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 1:15 PM, alicewoman1 said:

Not working here :(

My "fix" didn't work for you?

I'm thinking this might be install specific as I would expect more people to be having this problem and there doesn't seem to be one fix for everyone who is having the problem.


This seemed to have happened when I updated to from the new release of 1.5. I don't recall it being a problem in 1.5.


I wish someone with more knowledge of this could help out. I barely know what I'm doing.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 4:13 PM, Vallo92 said:


I managed to solve the problem of deleting images the word "_default"!

But now I have another problem! : (

The catalog now contains all the images of the products, however, there are more in the home!

I attach a picture to explain it better


Did you remove '_default' from all image types or just 'home'?

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  On 10/9/2012 at 4:33 PM, Vallo92 said:

Mmmmmm, I tried to see the link of the image and connects to "medium_default" (http://ilvecchiomond...de-scurooro.jpg)! How do I fix this?

Well, there are a few ways )

The first option is to rename image type 'medium' to medium_default

The second option is to duplicate medium image type and name it medium_default...

The third option is what bside2234 suggested here-post 35 (Same problem as you have)


Nothing else comes to my mind right now...

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  On 10/9/2012 at 4:33 PM, Vallo92 said:

Mmmmmm, I tried to see the link of the image and connects to "medium_default" (http://ilvecchiomond...de-scurooro.jpg)! How do I fix this?

That's a very strange issue, cause my configuration works fine for all image types with _default names and doesn't work without _default....

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  On 10/9/2012 at 4:42 PM, doubleD said:

Well, there are a few ways )

The second option is to duplicate medium image type and name it medium_default...


I didn't think to try to have both medium and a medium_default.

I will have to try that out and see how that works.


It sucks it's works fine in one browser one way and not in another. Kind of a see-saw effect. Fix one, the other breaks. Fix that and the other breaks.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 5:02 PM, alicewoman1 said:

Yes I did regenerate the thumbnails.

Old images (demo products) are working but new images don't work. I cannot see the new images on the product page.

You can see it here http://www.catanddog...euw/8-test.html

Must be you have the same config as mine, put default back to image types....

This link works for you http://www.catanddogshop.nl/nieuw/29-large_default/test.jpg

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  On 10/9/2012 at 5:05 PM, bside2234 said:

It sucks it's works fine in one browser one way and not in another. Kind of a see-saw effect. Fix one, the other breaks. Fix that and the other breaks.

I don't think it's a browser related ... Maybe it was cached?

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  On 10/9/2012 at 5:16 PM, alicewoman1 said:

I have disabled the SEO Friendly url.

This is the link of the broken image http://www.catanddog.../9/29-large.jpg

There is no image there.

Well, if you do not have image there it won't show up wether it's with _default or without....


I have both small, large jpgs etc and small_default, large_default jpgs etc images in my folders, just in case.... until there is a clear understanding of what's going on )

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  On 10/9/2012 at 5:16 PM, alicewoman1 said:

I have disabled the SEO Friendly url.

This is the link of the broken image http://www.catanddog.../2/32-large.jpg

There is no image there because the _default is missing in the link.


The link must be http://www.catanddog...rge_default.jpg


I suggest you to remove all images from img/p/

Copy your backed up img/p/*

Then go to back office and regenerate all thumbs...


I can see your image url for category page are without _default, but image urls for featured and new products block are with....

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  On 10/9/2012 at 4:55 PM, alicewoman1 said:

I did a fresh install and still having this problem.

You mean fresh install like fresh, no updates, just clean install? :)


Installed 1.5.1, clean, everything works great..., adding new images, featured products, new products, all image types are with _default so as the links to a newly added products...

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  On 10/9/2012 at 5:08 PM, doubleD said:

I don't think it's a browser related ... Maybe it was cached?


No, not cached. Cleared all that and even tried on friends computers. I'm not so sure it's browser related either but it may be how each browser is reading code.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 6:08 PM, bside2234 said:

No, not cached. Cleared all that and even tried on friends computers. I'm not so sure it's browser related either but it may be how each browser is reading code.

Do you use ps 1.5 default theme or updating shop with your previous theme?


The thing is:

In prestashop product-list.tpl file

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"

and prestashop 1.5.1

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}"


That explains a lot :)

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I just created duplicate Image types (i.e. small & small_default, home & home_default, etc.), recreated the thumbs, and now every image on my site is working again.


I would give this method a try until PS has a bug fix in the next version.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 6:18 PM, doubleD said:

Do you use ps 1.5 default theme or updating shop with your previous theme?


The thing is:

In prestashop product-list.tpl file

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"

and prestashop 1.5.1

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}"


That explains a lot :)


I'm using the default theme. I'll have a look at that.

Here is my site just for reference: http://griffineffects.com/store

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  On 10/9/2012 at 7:05 PM, ajensen27 said:

I just created duplicate Image types (i.e. small & small_default, home & home_default, etc.), recreated the thumbs, and now every image on my site is working again.


I would give this method a try until PS has a bug fix in the next version.


Sweet. I'll try this. I have to say at this point I'm afraid to mess with it at all though. I have 99% of images working. :D

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  On 10/9/2012 at 7:13 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello bside, you can always create and confirm a working backup if you would like to tinker around a little bit :)

Yeah, I plan on backing it up. I also have a test site it try stuff out on too but that one has really been messed up due to the 1.5.1 update I did to it. I'll probably have to try and fix it first.

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Subcategorie images still not working :(

I have changed

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"


<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}"



You also need to change category.tpl

<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />



<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />

Edited by alicewoman1 (see edit history)
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I think I have found the problem.


The problem is in the modules folders block....


As an example:



I have added a new product but I can not see the image in the section New Products.

If you go in the module Blocknewproducts you will see in the blocknewproducts.tpl that there is NO medium_default but medium. If you change it to medium_default then it works.

$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'medium'


Some files have _default and some others no.

For that reason some people said that if you have created medium and medium_default it works but I believe the problem is what I mentioned before.


Thank you

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  On 10/10/2012 at 9:33 AM, papapo said:

I think I have found the problem.


The problem is in the modules folders block....


As an example:



I have added a new product but I can not see the image in the section New Products.

If you go in the module Blocknewproducts you will see in the blocknewproducts.tpl that there is NO medium_default but medium. If you change it to medium_default then it works.

$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'medium'


Some files have _default and some others no.

For that reason some people said that if you have created medium and medium_default it works but I believe the problem is what I mentioned before.


Thank you


That's weird because mine had $product.id_image, 'medium_default') and I had to remove _default to get the New Products Block images to show up. See post #35.

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That's weird because mine had $product.id_image, 'medium_default') and I had to remove _default to get the New Products Block images to show up. See post #35.


Yes you have removed _default from the administration and you did this also in the code. I say that I haven't touched the administration with the home_default, medium_default and so on values but only the code in the file. I changed in blocknewproducts.tpl the medium to medium_default.


For my understanding about you, you have changed in administration the values to home, medium than home_default, medium_default and so on and then you went and changed from the file blocknewproducts.tpl the value medium_default to medium.

Is that right ??

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  On 10/10/2012 at 3:11 PM, papapo said:

Yes you have removed _default from the administration and you did this also in the code. I say that I haven't touched the administration with the home_default, medium_default and so on values but only the code in the file. I changed in blocknewproducts.tpl the medium to medium_default.


For my understanding about you, you have changed in administration the values to home, medium than home_default, medium_default and so on and then you went and changed from the file blocknewproducts.tpl the value medium_default to medium.

Is that right ??


No, not entirely. I first changed $product.id_image, 'medium_default') to $product.id_image, 'medium') to get the image in New Products to work. I didn't find out about creating duplicate images in the BO until later.


What I found was weird is you said you had to change $product.id_image, 'medium') to $product.id_image, 'medium_default') which is what is completely opposite of what PS installed on mine.

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No, not entirely. I first changed $product.id_image, 'medium_default') to $product.id_image, 'medium') to get the image in New Products to work. I didn't find out about creating duplicate images in the BO until later.


What I found was weird is you said you had to change $product.id_image, 'medium') to $product.id_image, 'medium_default') which is what is completely opposite of what PS installed on mine.


Have you updated from or you have done a clear installation of ??


I have updated from to that means that I use modules from have copied all). So that means in Administration I have home_default, medium_default and so on but my modules are from version that means I have home, medium and so on in my modules' files.

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I've done both. I have a test site I try everything on first. I updated the test one from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 and that one is really messed up just from the update. I'll have to look at that one to see how that one is.

My live site is a clean install of 1.5.1.



Papapo is correct.

If you updated your store to 1.5.1 the modules (at least the New Products Block) still say

$product.id_image, 'medium')

Where as my clean install of 1.5.1 the New Products Block says:

$product.id_image, 'medium_default')


I think this is going to cause people to have different issues to fix depending on if they updated or did a clean install.

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  On 10/9/2012 at 6:06 PM, doubleD said:

You mean fresh install like fresh, no updates, just clean install? :)


Installed 1.5.1, clean, everything works great..., adding new images, featured products, new products, all image types are with _default so as the links to a newly added products...


After a clean install of everything must work.

I believe the problem is that a lot of people have copied their modules from previous version( to the new( but previous version modules work without _default and version works only with _default . Copy all the modules from version to your test site modules'(Replace the previous modules) folder and rename them all in administration with _default (home_default, medium_default, e.t.c.) and check your website. Make also Regenerate to be sure.

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Papapo is correct.

If you updated your store to 1.5.1 the modules (at least the New Products Block) still say

$product.id_image, 'medium')

Where as my clean install of 1.5.1 the New Products Block says:

$product.id_image, 'medium_default')


Dont copy the mutual modules from version to Copy only your own modules.

I would like to know if there is also developing on the modules which are installed with Prestashop versions. :unsure:

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This option worked for me

Thank you! screen shots a mojor plus!! :)



  On 10/5/2012 at 9:21 PM, doubleD said:

I'm not sure if it's a bug.

After clean install of prestashop and 1-click upgrade to 1.5.1 everything works fine...

I noticed that all image types were auto renamed to name_default.

But when I updated my existing database image type names were left unchanged (without _default).

So renaming image types manually [adding '_default'] and regenerating the images seems to solve the problem...


Prestashop Image Types post-95575-0-04185400-1349472083_thumb.png


Prestashop 1.5.1 Image Types post-95575-0-74197700-1349471957_thumb.png

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/5/2012 at 6:11 PM, ajensen27 said:

Try what I did.


1. Go to preferences --> images

2. Edit each image name (remove _default for instance)

3. Go to the near the bottom of the page and "regenerate thumbs" for All


Then check your site again. This worked for me and it looked like I had the same problem as you. Oh and turn friendly URL's on again.


Thanks! It did the trick for me!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/27/2012 at 1:52 AM, b.designer said:

man, i can not get the images to be shown on home (featured) and category...

i have _default and have regenerate, still, i see no images...




please, heeeeeelp... tks.


There is no image


What about img folder permissions (775 777) ?


Are you sure the images regenerated successfully?

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  On 11/27/2012 at 10:18 AM, doubleD said:

There is no image


What about img folder permissions (775 777) ?


Are you sure the images regenerated successfully?


Hey, you are right, the images arent there, but why arent the images there?

I did regenerated and nothing happens...


As for the permision, all the folders inside img have the same permission... 755


Dont know what to do... any idea?


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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:12 AM, b.designer said:

Hey, you are right, the images arent there, but why arent the images there?

I did regenerated and nothing happens...


As for the permision, all the folders inside img have the same permission... 755


Dont know what to do... any idea?



The permission for the images should be 777 as prestashop suggests, mine are 775.

755 is not enough i guess

Try to set permission recursive 777 to img.... regenerate the images, then you can change them back as you need.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:26 AM, doubleD said:

The permission for the images should be 777 as prestashop suggests, mine are 775.

755 is not enough i guess

Try to set permission recursive 777 to img.... regenerate the images, then you can change them back as you need.



just done that!

nothing changed, the images were not even created inside the folders...

i can not understand this thing happening, cos all the images were just working fineeeee...


oh gosh...

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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:42 AM, b.designer said:

just done that!

nothing changed, the images were not even created inside the folders...

i can not understand this thing happening, cos all the images were just working fineeeee...

oh gosh...

.it happens )


For the quick fix you can edit product-list.tpl file.

Find the line

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}"

Remove _default so it will look like this

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"

The same for the featured module...


To regenerate images i suggest you to install prestashop on your localhost, regenerate them and then upload to the server.

I think that's more likely a hosting issue not prestashop, though...

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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:51 AM, doubleD said:

.it happens )


For the quick fix you can edit product-list.tpl file.

Find the line

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}"

Remove _default so it will look like this

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"

The same for the featured module...


To regenerate images i suggest you to install prestashop on your localhost, regenerate them and then upload to the server.

I think that's more likely a hosting issue not prestashop, though...



i tried removing _default, still nothing happens. i didn't try installing locally tho.


hey, have a look, please, at what i found out. when i try to regenerate there are some files that do not regenerate. please, see attach... the ones that were regenerated have the same time, except for one.


what could that be?




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  On 11/27/2012 at 12:04 PM, b.designer said:

i tried removing _default, still nothing happens. i didn't try installing locally tho.


hey, have a look, please, at what i found out. when i try to regenerate there are some files that do not regenerate. please, see attach... the ones that were regenerated have the same time, except for one.


what could that be?



127.jpg is the main image from which all other are generated, so it's ok.

But, i can see the images were regenerated... i mean the names are with _default...

and there is no home_default... are you sure you have home_default type set up in prestashop?


Here are the image types:


1 small_default

2 medium_default

3 large_default

4 thickbox_default

5 category_default

6 home_default

7 scene_default

8 m_scene_default

Edited by doubleD (see edit history)
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  On 11/27/2012 at 12:08 PM, doubleD said:

127.jpg is the main image from which all other are generated, so it's ok.

But, i can see the images were regenerated... i mean the names are with _default...

and there is no home_default... are you sure you have home_default type set up in prestashop?


Here are the image types:


1 small_default

2 medium_default

3 large_default

4 thickbox_default

5 category_default

6 home_default

7 scene_default

8 m_scene_default




Hey! Thank you very much for helping me!

You guys rock!


What happened was that I do have all these types of images, thou i had not ticked "products" in the home_default type.


Now all is fine!

Tks again! What an idiot I am... :-)


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  • 5 months later...


I have one problem with images as well. I upgraded PS from to, all is OK, but in blockviewed (last viewed products) I cannot see some images. Interesting is that the problem is not related to all products. Only some products have this problem and their pictures cannot be dispalyed in this block. Instead of the picture you can see NO PICTURE (?).

I removed the pictures, loaded back, set chmod, regenerated. All in various steps, spent some hours to try all pissiblw solutions.


Some idea how to fix this problem?

Thank you..

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  On 5/15/2013 at 12:32 AM, (\)icholas said:

Hey Lubosl,

I just upgraded from 1.4.6 to 1.5.4 and I have the exact same problem as you. So far its the only issue I've found. Let me know if you figure out the problem and I'll do the same for you.


Hello (\)icholas,

I found that if I will change cover picture from the first picture to second picture the problem will disappear. I don't understand what's wrong and sitll searchng for a solution :)

Also If I will load new picture for the product and set this as cover, the problem will still remain...


Appreciate your cooperation :)

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Hello again Lubosl. It looks like our main problem exists in the default and was not due to the update. Here's a link to a post which describes the fix.


It seems to be working for me. A second issue I noticed was that that the new default product images did not get copied into my store. The new defaults are named differently. The old format was


. The new format is


. After performing the update my img/p/ directory only contained the old ones. However the image page in the backoffice now contained records for both the old images and the new images; 16 in total. This may have been compounding the problem. An up-to-date module won't necessarily reference the old images in order to maintain backwards compatibility. To fix this I just copied the new set of default images into the /img/p/ directory. I did this prior to up the fix above though so I'm not sure if you will be able to see the difference after performing the first fix. This was filling my apache error log with tons of "file does not exist errors" though.

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  On 5/18/2013 at 5:15 AM, (\)icholas said:

Hello again Lubosl. It looks like our main problem exists in the default and was not due to the update. Here's a link to a post which describes the fix.


It seems to be working for me. A second issue I noticed was that that the new default product images did not get copied into my store. The new defaults are named differently. The old format was


. The new format is


. After performing the update my img/p/ directory only contained the old ones. However the image page in the backoffice now contained records for both the old images and the new images; 16 in total. This may have been compounding the problem. An up-to-date module won't necessarily reference the old images in order to maintain backwards compatibility. To fix this I just copied the new set of default images into the /img/p/ directory. I did this prior to up the fix above though so I'm not sure if you will be able to see the difference after performing the first fix. This was filling my apache error log with tons of "file does not exist errors" though.



Hello (\)icholas,

Thanks for feedback! for me is working this fix perfectly!



  On 4/30/2013 at 7:00 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:

Hello, a community member tdr170 has posted a solution about this.


Make sure to confirm a working backup and try this in your blockviewed.php


"Changing line 108 from this:

LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product)'.

To this:

LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product AND i.cover = 1)'.

Fixes the image issue."



Thanks again!

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  • 1 year later...

I did upgrade from 1.4 to 1.6 and I dont see image. But I don't know it's the same problem. When I want create new thumb image (regenerate image) I have a lot link dosent exist. In short way. I don't have this folder. Example:


(/home2/mrsuchy/public_html/suszek.info/img/p/1/1.jpg) I dont have this folder "1/1.jpg" even in my old shop. What went wrong ?

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