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inCantr get passed order step 1 - Error Invalid Address

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Yah, this happened to one of my customers. It was a bug according to what the customer did. The address was duplicated in the database because the customer did not enter a different alias name with the second address or they submitted the same address twice with the same alias name. Go into the database manually and either edit the alias cell under that address row to something else or delete the second address row casing the problem. The bad address entry may show in Admin or it may not, but check the database to compare. In the database It's under the ps_address table go to Browse tab, click on the blue bold lastname text to organize the column by last name and look for the customers last name, you will see all address rows for that same customer, compare them and delete the offending row or edit the alias name so that all addresses do not have the same alias name under that customer. if so it causes a conflict. It's rare but some customers submit their same address twice and it causes problems if they don't make a different alias name. Hope this helps

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