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[SOLVED] Paypal error with Quantity Discount Active

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I'm wondering if I have a corrupt file here.

Suddenly I get


Authorisation to PayPal failed


Please refer to logs:

PayPal response:

TIMESTAMP -> 2012-10-03T16:18:38Z

L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10413

L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.

L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.


PayPal returned error


- when trying to checkout with discounted items.


I see this error 10413 has existed in earlier versions of the paypal module but I can't see what I need to do to fix it.


If only 3 items from http://www.mp-comp.c...juice-16mg.html are added to the cart, checkout is fine, add 4 or more the quantity discount becomes active & Paypal errors out.


Any Ideas? Can I upload a clean tpl of some sort or is it the PP module?

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Dear jcmil, Please upgrade your Paypalmodule with the last version. http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/1748-paypal.html


If you are using PrestaShop 1.4 you have to install the Backward Compatibility module.

You can find it on addons.prestashop.com : http://addons.prestashop.com/en/6222-backwardcompatibility.html

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Thanks for the info.


I installed the backward compatibility module then uploaded the PP module - my modules page now looks like this -


it does load past this point if I log out & in again. I didn't get to the point of seeing the file upload & be selectable for install. Screen changed during/at end of upload & now I'm stuck... :(



Somehow I recovered it by playing with the positions/hooks selection :huh: & it's working OK :)

Edited by jcmil (see edit history)
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A little follow-up -

I am seeing some random errors when quantity discount is invoked.

Nothing is specified in the error log msg except - "Unfortunately, new log alert message has been saved."

The log of the error in BO was absent in the last instance.


The error seems related to output via Paypal such as info on the invoice. I have had a PP receipt that shows an item number instead of the item description & there has been an instance of PP not passing the transaction ID to the customer.

The upside is the pricing & transaction occur correctly. Its the details of the transaction that are being muddled.


Any ideas appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To confirm the continuing occurrence of this 'error' - PS notes an error has occurred on all transactions. It says the error log in BO is updated with details.

No details ever appear in the log however.

It appears that the PP feedback of transaction details is being lost.

The Bold Black text that begins -

PayPal response: TIMESTAMP ->

no longer appears on any transaction form.

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