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Pay by Invoice (within 14 days) module?

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Since checks are rarely used in my country (Japan), I have modified some of the text of the cheque module and will use it as a "pay after delivery by postal money transfer" module, which would be very similar to a Pay by Invoice situation.

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In your Back Office, click on the Tools tab, click Translations, under Modify translations pick Modules translations, then click on the flag for the language in which you want to change module text.

Do a search on that page in your brower for "cheque," and you'll find various locations that relate to cheque payment. where you can type in alternate text.

Click update at the bottom of the page and the new text will be saved.

Go to the front end of your site, refresh the page that would have the text you changed, and see what the result is.

(I recommend you keep one window open with the front end of your site, and one with the back. Then you can quickly switch back and forth and see how your text changes look.)

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