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Is mutistore capable of doing this?

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Hi all!


This is my first post in this forum, I hope to spend time with the community.


I'm going to create a web that consist in something similar to... an e-bay (The working way would be similar in what a need).


Is a web in with all the interested local business will register themselves and will be able to sell their products to the citizens of the city.


In this way, the possible customers will enter in the web, and will navigate thorought the different offer of services and goods, they will navigate thorough the menus (hairdressery, food, fornitures, electronics, computers, gyms, travels, etc, etc) and will access to all producs as if all them would be offered by the same company.


Customer can add producs to the shopping basket, and once he wants to perform the buy, the producs are separated in differen invoices (one per company). Besides that, when paying, each company have obviously different payment method... or at least different bank account to receive the money. Deliver costs have to be applied if needed (one per different shop/invoice)


The idea is buying in one one web, register in one one web, but buy in different shops/stores, every of them has to reveive its money.


Would be something similar to amazon, when yoy buy to companys that are not amazon, but you buy from amazon web; the main difference is that in this case, all companies would be external, there is "no Amazon", only associated shops.


I don't need a different web/page for every seller, only a big market where all products are avaiable.


Once received the order by the shops (actually differents orders), each shop will have to sent their products to the customer.


Is Multistore capable of doing this?? I've been reading a lot of things but I'm still not sure.


Of course, I could program some adaptations if needed, I actually have much more experience making my own webs via code than using CMSs, but of course, in this case I want to use an existent module if possible.


Million Thanks in advance to all.

Edited by Unicus (see edit history)
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Maybe, you can have one login with separate shops all having separate checkouts from each other. It isn't possible to have products from different sellers all in the same shopping cart, because it would be impossible to calculate shipping. Also, you want separate payment methods for each different seller, again this means you need completely separate shopping carts.


Can you also print invoices in batch for each different shop separately?


You want a single login, to log the customer in to all shops at the same time, though each shop has a separate shopping cart.


Also, would each customer account show the orders from all the different shops ordered from in one place?


I think all of the above might be possible, but you would have to get the prestashop team to verify if it is actually possible.

Edited by spuhg (see edit history)
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Hi spuhg!! Thank you for your answer.


I was afraid that having one trolley with different seller's products would not be possible. Everyways it is really not a need.


¿What is really a need?


I need a menu with all the categories of the products, and be able no navigate on those menus to the articles. once in the article it would be acceptable having a link to this same article on the seller's web.


Explained in other words.. in the main page I need a menu with all articles, a search option (for searching in the complete articles database -of all sellers-) and a sellers list. But it could be possible that the main web would be this, and only when selecting a seller or an article we would access to a concrete seller's shop.


Of course, registration would be common to all shops.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance

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I was afraid that having one trolley with different seller's products would not be possible.


It is possible to share different shops' products into one shopping cart, but if you have different warehouses, where the products are being shipped from, then it wont be possible to accurately calculate shipping, because you have several products all coming from different warehouses in the same shopping cart. That is what I meant by not possible, meaning it is only not possible as far as correctly calculating shipping costs for ordering several products needing to be sent from several different shipping zones at the same time.


in the main page I need a menu with all articles, a search option (for searching in the complete articles database -of all sellers-) and a sellers list.


You meant that you want to be able to search all the shops for a product keyword with one search, and have the results of this search across all stores be the product links that match the keyword.


That might be possible, can several or all multistores be included in one product search? Seems that is also something to ask the prestashop team.

Edited by spuhg (see edit history)
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