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(Solved) Stock control Physical Q.3 Usable Q.3 Real Q.0

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Upgrade from v 1.4.9 to v 1.5


I have upgraded my shop and have tried to use the stock control module.

A warehouse has been created with FIFO as the option.

I have then been to a product and set:-

Warehouse (one) Stored selected

I want to use the advanced stock management system for this product. Selected

Available quantities for current product and its combinations are based on stock in the warehouses. Selected


The stock then goes to a random number between zero and –(x) similar to old sales

I then have to go to Stock movement to increase the stock to the real level.


But now in Stock instant state I have the following


RM1-2764-020CN Fuser Unit -- N/A Physical Q.3 Usable Q.3 Real Q. 0


My stock is correct but if I go to my warehouse my valuation is on stock I do not have


Q2430-67905 Maintenance Kit -- £638.30 Physical Q.5 Usable Q.5 Real Q. 0


Has anyone come across this and can tell me how to reduce Physical and usable to the real stock.


Thanks in advance


Edited by JerseyG (see edit history)
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As no other person has commented that they have a similar problem I feel that I cannot log it as a bug.


At the moment to overcome the problem I am locating the problem codes, duplicating the product and adding the quantity to the new item. Then I am dropping the quantity of the old item to zero via Stock management, going to the item and removing the association with the warehouse and setting to manual quantity zero.

Then I am disabling the item and deleting it, lastly I am setting the status of the new item to enabled.


Long winded but it works


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Another update on this item.


I started to get errors on payments, overcharges on items that had the stock problem. Invoice had correct price but the back office showed an over charge.


I have now given up with V 1.5 and have reverted my shop back to V 1.4.9.


Hope you all have better luck.



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  • 1 month later...

I am on and have just noticed the same thing.


Random items seem to have the wrong Real stock value.


Eg Physical = 4 Usable = 4 real = -2


one order in system for 2 units. so real should be 2


another item physical = 2 usable = 2 real = 0


one order in system for 1


i cant work out if this is something im doing or a setting or a bug.


is there a way to make it re-create the real Q based on whats in the system or does it do that on the fly and im missing something.



Ive only been at it for 3 days so not fully familiar with the DB backend but i cant see any extra sales in the database that its not showing on the front page.


any help



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I have solved this for my setup.


I took little notice of it but none of my old orders had delivery notes after the upgrade from V 1.4.9 to V 1.5.2


I went into a random number of old orders and the ones that showed an error at the top of the page I created a delivery note for. The problems relating to the stock on these items went away.


As I only had 500 odd orders I went into every order and created a delivery note. All my stock is now correct.


Can I suggest that someone just goes down the list of old orders and if it has no delivery note and shows an error just create the delivery note.


Marking as solved


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