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Friendly URL Option causes Internal Server 500 Errors

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Hi there,


I recently installed Prestashop on a godaddy linux account. Install process worked fine with no issue.


However when I got the SEO & URLS section to enable friendly urls I get this message:


URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server. If you want to use Friendly URLs you must activate this mod


I know for a fact that mod_rewrite is working - mainly because I have wordpress working within the same environment.


Additionally I'm using this test that was provided on another forum post within this community (http://www.vbseo.com/f77/how-check-if-mod_rewrite-working-my-site-21502/) - the manual mod-rewrite rule I put in - works perfectly fine. You can try it here: http://shop.wongkens.com/testpage.html


If I enabled the option (i.e. ignore the warning) - the whole site blows up (only the homepage works - barely) and clicking on any link gives an internal server error.


If I keep the option off - the site works perfectly fine - so its clearly a rewrite rule issue.


Any ideas? Thanks for your help in advance!

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I only remember such things happened to me when the server could not interpreted something in the .htaccess

Did you disable apache multivies? Maybe you have to add rewrite base?

When you google for "ifmodule mod_rewrite.c 500 error" or something similar you see that you are not alone.

I would ask godaddy for support as it seems something specific in the server config.


Best regards, trip

Edited by Trip (see edit history)
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And maybe the easiest way to find out if the rewrite engine is enabled ...

create a file whatsoever.php and paste

the following code


into it.. upload it to the server and see if mod_rewite is under the loaded modules.


Delete the file after you checked it is loaded.

Best regards, trip

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I know for sure mod_rewrite is enabled and functions properly - I added a simple rule in the .htaccess file and was able to have testpage.html redirect to google. Try the link here: http://shop.wongkens.com/testpage.html


You'll see it works fine - so I know mod_rewrite works properly.


With godaddy's hosting package I don't have access to apache as you mentioned. If it is a problem with the .htaccess file - then it really is a prestashop bug - because the .htaccess file and the rules regarding rewrite are created by prestashop when you enable friendly url's

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Hi Ben,


Tried the solution you provided - and while I didn't get a internal server error - I did get this:


The webpage at http://shop.wongkens.com/index.php?controller=category&id_category=6&__utma=100717831.223859208.1345142549.1349141611.1349155795.7&__utmc=100717831&d567f3daa8a5067d5995bd10c415b704=njzoLHAzBoGjs6tibPpbeDnLuk9PGRnuMdq4u4P0SyJhkPYmewfUJWw39TsRJiRrL3bhwkBwsbUQpBh8l%2BFDKlQLUJ0H1%2BKxnDMdgqY%2Bxdqw1sujY%2BP5h3khmKrkY5M81qYudFYk2Yqg7uAxblHqMA%3D%3D000105&__utmb=7088112.1.10.1349198343&__utmz=100717831.1345142549.1.1.utmcsr%3D%28direct%29%7Cutmccn%3D%28direct%29%7Cutmcmd%3D%28none%29 has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.


So not sure what to do..

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Hi Benjamin,


Yes I cleared cookies - I even went as far as trying a browser that never visited the site before and the issue still exists.


As for godaddy - I did contact them - and because mod_rewrite is working - they will not directly support php code related issues. They only support that it has been enabled

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