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Hi all,

i'd like to always have the product condition. While 'new' is displayed, also as an option in preferences, but i want to also show if the product is 'used' or 'refurbished'


in product list the part where i can change the label should be this:

{if isset($product.new) && $product.new == 1}<span class="new">{l s='New'}</span>{/if}


i wonder how to get for example a product.used to work


thanks in advance for the help

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The line you used tells if the product was newly added, it does not refer to the condition.


The condition would be: $product.condition






The CartExpert Team


Hi thanks for that. Could you tell me how i would use this to insert on product.tpl to show the actual condition? used, new, refurbished?

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wow that was easy. thanks

but the tricky part is how to i get to 1. change the condition names (i tried in translations, doesnt work) and 2. how to i get it to display in 3 different colors (if i knew where to change the condition name, im sure i could add style into that code)

thanks again

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You helped me a lot already,

im relatively new to php and i dont know how to correctly write these if statements. could you show me an example please? one where i could see how the condition is used (as in "if condition=used", the style and all that i could figure out but the if part is more difficult to me)




please pm me a paypal link so that i can tip you for your help.

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The code would be:

{if $product->condition == 'new'}
<span class="condition_new">{l s='new'}</span>
{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}
<span class="condition_used">{l s='used'}</span>
<span class="condition_refurbished">{l s='refurbished'}</span>






The CartExpert Team

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  • 5 months later...

{if $product->condition == 'new'}

<span class="condition_new">{l s='new'}</span>

{elseif $product->condition == 'used'}

<span class="condition_used">{l s='used'}</span>


<span class="condition_refurbished">{l s='refurbished'}</span>


Thank you CartExpert.net

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