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[SOLVED] Problem with email languages

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Iam new to prestashop and I have seen few topics with similar problems but found no answer. I am using Prestashop version and I just did a trial order and noticed that all the emails sent to customers are in English. My shops default language is Finnish and I have translated all email templates in Finnish. I also have English as an option but when I my self registered as a customer I chose Finnish and all the other features such as shopping cart etc. show in Finnish. I have checked all the language settings from back office and they are correct.


I checked mail alerts file from the root and it looks like this :


// Getting differents vars

$id_lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');

$currency = $params['currency'];

$configuration = Configuration::ge...


there is also this code :



$iso = Language::getIsoById((int)($id_lang));

if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'.$iso.'/'.$template.'.txt') AND file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'.$iso.'/'.$template.'.html'))

Mail::Send($id_lang, $template, $subject, $templateVars, explode(


Should I change these? the default language is already in Finnish so I do not know what to change...


I would greatly appreciate any help since I can not open my shop until I have figured this out.



Edited by Mathilda L (see edit history)
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Thank you for your reply!


I haven't actually created any folders, should I? The weird thing is that yesterday when I tested the email system again then it seemed to be working and the emails sent were in Finnish but again this morning when I tried it was in English?? I have not got a glue what happens. I think I try to send the mails in text format...

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Hi again!


I managed to delete the terms and conditions page and the link from order confirmation page went with it. I have not found the link from my folders but one of my friends managed to found the link from theme folder and said it was in side order-carrier folder but there is no place where he could put a new link. There is no number three anywhere (which is a ID number of Terms and conditions that was deleted).


Can I create a new link to Terms and conditions and have it appear like it use to do, that customer needs to click a box to accept my terms and conditions?

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