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CSV Import of articles with Czech description


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Hello All,


writing in English as my Czech is not that good yet.


I want to uploiad a CSV file with Czech descriptions and article names, but it does not work.

I have activated and enabled Czech as language, choose it as default language in the upload, but when doing the import 2 problems appear:


- it either just uploads the articles to the point (i.e. the article/line) until the first Czech special character (č or ž or š or ě etc) appears.So it just loads 20 out of 1000 articles


-it loads also articles with the above special characters (č,ř,š,ě), but the czech letters are replaced by other letters such as normal "e" or some swedisch looking crossed out "O".


example (shall read račna...):

ráèna leenáøská,17 x 19 mm


If I copy/enter an article directly into the mask or create a category directly, all works fine and is displayed with the czech characters as it should be.



Any idea how to fix this?

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Hi Stano,


when using the converter you sent me, the outcome is smth like below..not sure what I do/set wrongly.. :-(


PK!é˝5é‘n[Content_Types].xml ˘( ¬”ËNĂ0E÷HüCä-J\X „š˛ŕ±$ŕ¦ö´±ęŘ–g€öPęŠn%ÎÜso<žáŐĽőĹfr1Ôę´¨‰Ö…i­^žďĘUC°ŕcŔZ-ÔŐčřhřĽHH…TŞUĂś.µ&Ó`TĹ„AV&1·Ŕň§:™ÁőŮ`p®MŚKî4Ôhxxő\ÜÎĺőŇÉŘU\/żëPµ‚”Ľ3ŔbTżűRĆÉÄ´ŃĽ¶"]QĘ–Dn}•˛b~Bf FJŻefô´ô3U%•˝1j\˘‰ľĐ­lNőY÷ Ű‘ťĹâ2ßC+ŮőÜë÷găgŐv‘î×´TâÜ ŻúüU&ÇŰcŹ˛.|9ÜBę+I÷·Ó? nůöÝč’ôÂ;|°tęţú˝Ě ńÂ#8íRtąŚö‰ĄO§7đ]{‡Ţ\7Ň"ţ +Ým|9ĽŹ9&’ůq_‡±«.“af‡«ă¸®ŮWD.űŤě¦—E»†­űi9ú˙˙PK!µU0#őL_rels/.rels ˘( Ś’ĎNĂ0ĆďHĽCäűęnHˇĄ»LH»!TŔ$Ł$@÷ö„‚JcŰŃöçĎ?[ŢîćiTb/NĂş(A±3b{×jx­źV

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Hi Juergen,

you do not need anything mentioned above just use Open Office instead of MS Excel and folow these rules :


- when you saving the csv mark edit filter settings

- Character set UTF8

- Field delimitter ;

- Text delimitter "

- mark Quote all text cells

- now you can save it and import to the Prestashop


tested also in

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