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Restoring a database into version

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My site was working fine with version


I decided to upgrade to version and installed the 1 click upgrade module.


This was not successful and resulted in data base errors.


I then rolled back which also did not work.


So, my site is now broken! I have backed up all the files etc but would like to install version and start from the beginning.

Can I restore my database backup into version 1.5? even though the database was saved using version 1.4?


Any help would be much appreciated.


Thank you



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You can try this:

- export all the tables of your 1.4 database with "drop table" option

- install a new version

- export all the tables of your 1.5 database with "drop table" option

- with phpmyAdmin export employee and shop_url tables (just to be sure you can still access the 1.5 in case of problems)

- with phpmyAdmin import all the tables of the 1.4 database





- If you have problems accessing as Admin to the BO , delete cookies

- clear cache deleting cache files located in cache/smarty/compile (do not delete index.php !)

- I suppose you install the 1.5 in a different directory of the 1.4, so , if you did not operate a redirect in your site manager i.e Cpanel you must import with phpmyAdmin the shop_url table saved previously.

- if you change login or password of admin in the 1.5 install and it is different from the one of 1.4 , or if you are not able to access as admin import with phpmyAdmin the employee table saved previously..


Let me know if it works


If you want back the default 1.5 import with phpmyAdmin all the tables of the 1.5 database

Edited by lucamax (see edit history)
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