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Prestashop reference currencies.xml file not updating

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I notices that my shop's currency conversion rates have not changed over the past week or more so I saved the reference currency file at "www.prestashop.com/xml/currencies.xml" about one week back.

Here it is:


<source iso_code="EUR"/>


<currency iso_code="USD" rate="1.2552"/>

<currency iso_code="JPY" rate="98.68"/>

<currency iso_code="BGN" rate="1.9558"/>

<currency iso_code="CZK" rate="24.903"/>

<currency iso_code="DKK" rate="7.4481"/>

<currency iso_code="GBP" rate="0.7911"/>

<currency iso_code="HUF" rate="276.37"/>

<currency iso_code="LTL" rate="3.4528"/>

<currency iso_code="LVL" rate="0.6963"/>

<currency iso_code="PLN" rate="4.0808"/>

<currency iso_code="RON" rate="4.493"/>

<currency iso_code="SEK" rate="8.3087"/>

<currency iso_code="CHF" rate="1.201"/>

<currency iso_code="NOK" rate="7.341"/>

<currency iso_code="HRK" rate="7.4922"/>

<currency iso_code="RUB" rate="39.8267"/>

<currency iso_code="TRY" rate="2.252"/>

<currency iso_code="AUD" rate="1.1981"/>

<currency iso_code="BRL" rate="2.5339"/>

<currency iso_code="CAD" rate="1.2438"/>

<currency iso_code="CNY" rate="7.976"/>

<currency iso_code="HKD" rate="9.7365"/>

<currency iso_code="IDR" rate="11904.63"/>

<currency iso_code="ILS" rate="5.0264"/>

<currency iso_code="INR" rate="69.356"/>

<currency iso_code="KRW" rate="1420.06"/>

<currency iso_code="MXN" rate="16.461"/>

<currency iso_code="MYR" rate="3.8865"/>

<currency iso_code="NZD" rate="1.5372"/>

<currency iso_code="PHP" rate="52.949"/>

<currency iso_code="SGD" rate="1.5641"/>

<currency iso_code="THB" rate="39.187"/>

<currency iso_code="ZAR" rate="10.395"/>



When I checked back today, the file and the rates are EXACTLY the same. I cannot believe that the rates did not change by a single decimal point. I also checked the ECB currency feed and they are definitely different.


What is the problem. I am using v1.4.7 and is this coinciding with the release of 1.5 which may use a different file.




Edited by utopiasl (see edit history)
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