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Transplanting Modules to Default Mobile Theme

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Hello everyone!


Is it possible to transplant modules to the default mobile theme positions for Prestashop 1.5 version? I saw some positions in the header.tpl and footer.tpl of the mobile theme such as displayMobileTop and displayMobileFooterChoice but they are not listed among the other hooks so I cannot transplant modules to them.

For example, how can one transplant module like homefeatured to the mobile theme homepage?

I have search everywhere but there is no information on how to do this.

Can anyone please assist me with some information?

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  • 2 months later...

We are all lost here friend... There´s no information about hooks and/or modification to the standard mobile theme. After working with this theme, I can only say that "can work" as a starting point to develop a real mobile theme, but as a "production version" is ineffective, full of bugs, inconfigurable, no hooks, no standard modules adapted ... a complete disaster if you are planning to publish a website with the template. Complete an order, change language or modify customizable products are only a small sample of the things you can not do. I really don´t understand how Prestashop team launched this mobile version as a production tool without testing and documentation... We´ll have to wait

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  • 3 months later...

i have looking around about this guide, still no luck to find the way out.

disappointed, mobile theme available without guide to transplant module :(

any further information about how to transplant module to mobile theme will be appreciated :)

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