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Back Office - AdminOrder.php problem

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I have a strange problem that I need help with. I noticed that the Order views look different when viewing them with Firefox or IE-7. Firefox looks normal to me but as you can see in the pictures I've attached, the IE view, it drops the row of information starting with "Invoice" below "Customer Information", instead of putting it to the right of the order status information. Does anyone know a way to fix this annoying problem? I assume it has something to do with the way firefox processes tables compared with IE7. Any ideas anyone? Can anyone else test this to confirm they see the same thing I do between browsers?



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Hi Ion_Cannon,

It looks like the FedEx and Phone icons might be causing the size of the left column to increase, causing the right column to wrap around. Does the problem disappear when you replace these bigger icons with 16x16 pixel icons? If you need to have bigger icons, you will need to modify css/admin.css to ensure the right column doesn't wrap.

There could be something else going on instead. It is hard to know for sure without looking at the code.

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