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[Solved] Multistore on subdirectories

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We just upgraded our existing store to 1.5 and are considering using the multistore feature but I'm having trouble with the Shop URLs on the local test server.


Our existing site Prestashop is installed in /uk subdirectory, so when enabling multistore my default store is at www.domain.com/uk


I'd like to create the second store at www.domain.com/worldwide but can't seem to do that.


I've added the shop but when I try to add the Shop URL it already has the /uk/ as the physical URL of the PS install. Seems like I can create www.domain.com/uk/worldwide and www.domain.com/worldwide/uk but not www.domain.com/worldwide - because of the existing install location?


To achieve what I'm looking for do I need to reinstall Prestashop in the root and then set up virtual URLs for /uk and /worldwide?



Edited by meesteryan (see edit history)
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Hi there,

as far as I understand yes ... I don't think you have to reinstall.. just copy the files to root dir and setup uk and worldwide as Virtual URI. If you are already testing that local why not just try it out?

Best regards, trip

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Btw. it should be well thought if such a separation is usefull. There are ways to target specific domains or urls to specific countries. Although I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve with that I would

be carefull because choosing the wrong way might lead to an "own goal".

I recommend reading this post to get an idea of the traps you might run in http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2010/03/working-with-multi-regional-websites.html.

Best regards, trip

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Thx Trip.


Moved local install to root (tho had to do a couple of extra updates in the database to prevent redirection as already had multistore enabled) and then set each up as virtual URL and looks to be working ok (other issues aside, such as both instances having same page title, but will figure that out separately!)


Btw, UK and Worldwide sites under the same brand required for two different audiences who will self-select. Worldwide has a small subset of products shared with UK. I think in this case subdirectories is reasonable use.


Cheers for your help.


Edited by meesteryan (see edit history)
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