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Block Categories - 3rd Tier Disappeared! Help!

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Hey Guys,

I have tmcategories.tpl which controls my headerlinks (horizontal menu that breaks down into the various categories). It worked fine in 1.4.9 but now I have upgraded to and it shows the first tier and second tier, but not further!



Diving Wear





Diving Wear and Wetsuits shows, but Mens/Ladies dont show. If I click on 'Wetsuits' though, they show as blocks; theyre just not getting rendered by the 'superfish' menu for some reason!

My logic tells me its not the code because it was working fine before the upgrade - so what cracks?


This is the tmheaderlinks category-tree-branch.tpl file content:

<li class="{if $node.children|@count > 0}sub{/if}{if isset($last) && $last == 'true'} last{/if}">
<a href="{$node.link}" {if isset($currentCategoryId) && ($node.id == $currentCategoryId)}class="selected"{/if}>{$node.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a>
{if $node.children|@count > 0}
 <ul class="subcat1">
 {foreach from=$node.children item=child name='child'}
  <li {if $smarty.foreach.child.iteration <= 4} class="noborder"{/if}>
   <a href="{$child.link|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$child.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a>
   {if $child.children|@count > 0}
   <ul class="subcat2">
 {foreach from=$child.children item=child2}
 <li><a href="{$child2.link|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$child2.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a></li>


I also tried taking the 'default' category-branch-tree.tpl file but it did the same thing! (see below, its slightly moded for CSS purposes):

<li class="{if $node.children|@count > 0}sub{/if}{if isset($last) && $last == 'true'} last{/if}{if $smarty.foreach.categoryTreeBranch.iteration <= 4 && $depth>1} noborder{/if}">
<a href="{$node.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($currentCategoryId) && $node.id == $currentCategoryId}class="selected"{/if} title="{$node.desc|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$node.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>
{if $node.children|@count > 0}
 <ul class="subcat{$depth}">
 {foreach from=$node.children item=child name=categoryTreeBranch}
  {if $smarty.foreach.categoryTreeBranch.last}
   {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child depth=$depth+1 last='true'}
   {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child depth=$depth+1 last='false'}


With the first set of code, I printed out the $node.children|@count value by subcat2 and it reckons its '0' (which is obviously why then its not printing Men/Ladies); but why is it 0 if these child categories are in the database and are displayed as such when clicking Wetsuits, its just not shown in the menu now in Prestashop 1.5 all of a sudden?!?


Thanks in advance!

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I have the same problem, but are not showing all the subcategories.


Only the parent category is displayed, and the value of $node.children|@count in category-tree-branch.tpl is always zero.


I have upgraded from 1.4.5 to and then to 1.5.1


The problem is on Prestashop 1.5.


How I can solve the problem?

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I think the problem is in the management of max depth parameter.

This is a strange behavior.

If I put max Depth = 2 in the blockcategories module configuration, I don't see anything in FO (categories block is empty).

If I put max Depth = 3, I see only parent categories.


If I put max Depth = 4, I see parent categories and first level subcategories.

and so on.


With max Depth = 2, I expect to see the parent category and the first level subcategories.

With max Depth = 3, I expect to see the parent category and the first and second level subcategories.

and so on.


I hope that this can help someones.

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