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copying a 1.5 installation to a new folder on the same server

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I have installed PS 1.5 on my server in a folder




I've downloaded and copied the files to www.mydomain.com/newshop


I copied based up the database, created a new one and restored the file to the new db


(since its the same Server PS_Domain and PS_Domain_SSL don't need touching I assume)


checked the settings files and entered the correct db info


When I type the url - I'm getting a 404 error www.mydomain.com/pshop150//newshop/


where is the /pshop150// coming from?


I've done this sort of move / copy before - has anything changed in PS1.5 ?

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Good evening!


I have been trying to transfer my updated Prestashop install from the temp folder "/presta/" into the live folder "/store/" in my web domain. everything works fine, the only problem I get is when I try to log into the backend, the page refreshes and does not log in.


I thought the password was incorrect and tried a different one, but then I get a log in error that the employee does not exist.


Thus I have concluded that my password and email are correct but the login just wont take me to the dashbord.


Please tell me what I may be missing..

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How I did it with mine is:

Went into BO under SEo & URLs - Base URI and changed /prestashop/ to /store/

Then I went onto my server and changed the folder name from prestashop to store.

That's what worked for me. I didn't have any login errors.

You do have to use: yourwebdomain/store/adminxxxxxx (x's are whatever you renamed your admin folder to)

instead of yourwebdomain/presta/adminxxxxx

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Hi BSide,


Yes it worked for me too.. the site is displaying correctly, and I am opening the correct admin login page, yet I am still not able to log into the dashboard. It does not give me a message that says the password is incorrect, yet when I click login it just re-loads the page and asks for my log in details again.



Very Strange

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I am having kind of a similar problem.


I copied my current store 1.4 to a new folder.

copied my database and made the necessary changes so the new store links to the copied database.

Then updated to 1.5


My problem is as follows:

My working store (version 1.4) is in folder /store/

My new test store (version 1.5) is in folder /new-store/


When I go to /new-store/ all is well and all links seem to point to the right place

When I click on a product or menu link it redirects to /store/


I checked the ps_shop_url and it is correct.

What am I missing?


On a second note none of my product pictures are displaying on the front page of my store


Thank you for your help

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