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[SOLVED] Image upload in zip file fixed (for me) - more eyes please


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I have been trying for a while now to get images uploaded the way they should work in prestashop. I do have 2 multi uploader modules, but none of them seem to work for me at the moment. Whenever I tried to upload a zip file with images in it, I would get the message that the file is not one of the accepted formats, jpg, png, etc.


I have made some changes that fixes it for me, but I would appreciate additional input from someone more skilled than me (about 95% of the people here!)


In images.inc.php you will find a function ==> function isPicture($file, $types = NULL) which determines whether the file is a picture or not.


I changed the following code:


if (count($name_explode) >= 2)
 $current_extension = strtolower($name_explode[count($name_explode)-1]);
 if (!in_array($current_extension, $authorized_extensions))
  return false;
 return false;


to become


if (count($name_explode) >= 2)
 $current_extension = strtolower($name_explode[count($name_explode)-1]);
 if (!in_array($current_extension, $authorized_extensions))
  return false;
 return true;


The original code would return false, regardless of whether it is a picture or not in the zip file.

This seem to solve my problem, as I can now zip a couple of pics into a file and upload that to get everything uploaded in one go.


This has been tested in PS


Am I breaking something even bigger doing this?

Edited by !sense (see edit history)
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