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[Solved] EAN's UPLOAD Problem

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i am quite new at prestashop. I have managed to figure out most things and things are going well but there are a few issues that are driving me mad.


Maybe i am making an bad search or an empathy mistake, but i am not being able to solve.


This is the first post for the first of them


I am not being able to upload the EAN's correctly.


When i save the CSV it changes the value of the EAN


For Example:


6935364051389 - He changes it to 6,93536E+12 and it uploads it has such.


I've tried to change the cell's format to number, but when saved it changes right back to general and the problem returns.


Them i have tried to upload it has quote, like this "6935364051389", but it uploads the " and cuts the remaining numbers, so it becames "693536405138


I am lost of options here... and i do not believe this is not possible to be done by upload...


Can someone give me some "lights" on this?


Thanks in Advance

Edited by nspinheiro (see edit history)
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