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Countries are not active unless they have states

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I'm setting up a shop for the UK, but carriers set to the UK zone aren't displaying. In fact some strange things are happening: If I try to update addresses then the only countries that are available in the dop-down list are those with states (Australia, US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil).

Also, the one carrier that I have defined for these zones does show up during ordering, even if the address of the customer is in the UK.

It's like somehow the shop is only allowing countries with states to be available for shipping and for updating addresses.

I'm on v1.4.9, and I've checked:

  • UK is the default country (and it doesn't have states. If I set it to have states then it shows up in the country dropdown list above, but of course won't allow me to update since it doesn't have any states defined).
  • Carriers are enabled for all appropriate zones, all price and weight ranges appear to be properly defined.
  • Geolocation is on (Update succesful), and countries from Europe, North America and Oceania are enabled)
  • Countries from these areas are also enabled in Shipping, Countries.


Having checked all of this, I'm at a loss! It's probably a simple setting I've overlooked. Any ideas?


Thanks for your help.

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Thanks Benjamin! I did have 'Restrict countries...' checked. So I unchecked it, and that has fixed my ability to see all countries in the front office if I am updating addresses.


However, it hasn't fixed the carrier issue. For a UK address I only get the option that would apply to the countries with states (US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico Australia) - ie airmail. It doesn't present the carriers I have defined for the UK. (I made a Zone called UK).


Any further ideas?

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