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1.5 Loading times on product page

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Hi there,


Since I have changed from 1.4.7 to it is remarkable how slow the loading of my store has become. Mainly the product pages have a serious issue.


Various searches on this forum and on google gave me forums where it's being said that 1.5 is not slower than 1.4


I have therefor upgraded my hosting towards a new higher better package (siteground hosting).

I am using the CCC options everywhere.

I am using Memcache.

I am using Rijndael with mcrypt lib.

I had the store transfered towards a closer allocation center.

and in addition, I am having the site loaded over Cloudflare to speed up as much as possible.


Yet... it still takes ages to load the product page.


Please, have a look at www.sporterra.eu and click on some of the products.

I would love to get your opinions.

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Hello Alcately


Not sure which products you're speaking about but when I am on your website it's loading pretty good. I am getting into a product page within 1-2 seconds nothing more than this. I also checked a couple categories as well with the same response time to open. Hope this helps some.




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Every time I open a product detail, I get a blank page and the page needs around 4 to 5 seconds to have the detail showing up.

That's pretty long and the white page in between is not looking very nice for customers. Many would click just away.



In addition, I am often seeing pagenotfound in the stats.

65214 IP ADDY 13:44:47 pagenotfound www.site.com

Edited by Alcately (see edit history)
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hey alcately


Are you still having issues with speed? I am on 1.4.9 though which i am waiting at least another 6 months before i upgrade to 1.5 version. If site is slow you should upgrade to newest 1.5 version I have heard it is running faster so that may be an option but not sure with the bugs.


Good luck


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