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1-click upgrade version update problem?

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I've just installed the 1-click upgrade module. However the screen states "Congratulations you are already using the latest version available !", which is strange because I'm running and I wanted to upgrate to 1.4.9, or 1.5.0 if that's available. The upgrade button is not available.


Can anyone help?



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Thanks guys - yes, I have installed and configured the module. Altered the settings to major releases and its now allowing me to update to, no option of 1.5. However after what you've said about having problems with 1.5 I'm tempted to go with just updating to 1.4.9 for the moment and wait a while for 1.5.

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Hello Benjamin!


We use Version and want to upgrade to 1.5.

I tried to install the "original" upgrade module (0.3.4) and two times the new Version from your link upside. But PrestaShop always says "error2.pngDas folgende Modul konnte nicht erforlgreich installiert werden:

  • autoupgrade" and installation failed.

Can you help me, please?


Best regards, Tobias Thilo

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