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Help On Donation Before Submit To Paypal

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The [spam-filter] and I run a gift shop for parrot stuff. We are affiliated with 6 parrot rescues which take sick and abused birds, rehab them and adopt them out to good homes.


I need to add a way to make a donation to a rescue at checkout. I thought..well.. make a donation "product" let them pick it on checkout and viola.. but no. We have free shipping at $50 and our shipping scheme puts cost on shipping for items..yada yada.. so if someone bought a cheap item and donated 49.00 they get free shipping and we end up losing on small margin items.


What I need to do is add an item at the confirm screen (if the client clicks add) which doesnt contribute to free shipping and which processes along with the rest of the cart items in paypal.


In short, just add an item at the end and go to paypal. I dont even care if it shows up in the backend, I will take care of that from the paypal end.


Any clues on how to accomplish this would be extremely appreciated.




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Thank you for the reply tomerg3,


Maybe Im wrong, but from my banging on this, the free shipping seems to be driven by the cart total. This is where I keep getting tripped up.. especially since I am hoping to allow for various amounts to be donated.. anywhere from $1 to $100.


I also completely understand and agree about wrenching with the cart and paypal functions. I have been searching for a couple days now on how to make this work. My [spam-filter], the advertising/promotion end of this, has kinda offered this up already..and now Im under the gun to make it happen.


Surely there is a way to add an amount and description to the vars before they head off to paypal.. its just the code ( is so thick and function-included that it makes tracking down the place to add a real umm.. "challenge".


Seems like such an easy request... but then ya get to doing it and BAM.. how about 3 days of hunting Waldo.

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The free shipping is calculated in Cart.php getShippingCost (or something like it).


It checks the current cart total against the free shipping limit.

you can assignt he cart total to a temp variable, iterate through all the current cart products, if you find the donation product, deduct its amount from the temp cart total, and you should have the total of the normal products (no donation),

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