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ERROR MESSAGE (Installing Prestashop Populating DB Tables

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Hello all,


I cannot seem to install latest version of Prestashop on my server. Followed instructions http://www.inmotionh.../manual-install


But still getting error message on final stage of populating db tables. Username and password using Mysql database have been connected (Please see attachment).


Useful info;


(FTP) Fillzilla 3.5.3 (version)

PHP version


Apache version


MySQL version


cPanel Version

11.32.4 (build 15)


I've dropped tables in the db. Deleted DB and reinstalled both Prestashop and mysql Database. contacted by service provider, but still no joy.


Can anyone help?


Much thanks in advance



Edited by robandy (see edit history)
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Hello stickees, and thanks for your reply.


However, I seem to still be getting an error message using simple script (db creation failed) and that; dbs; database creation timeout was the 'show debug' statement.


Could you kindly explain what steps you had taken in order to solve this really FRUSTRATING problem.


Any other suggestions, welcome.


Thanks again Robert

Edited by robandy (see edit history)
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Hi there,

the error in the screen shot is that the db-table it_access was already created. When you dropped your db and you still can not install probably

low script execution time limit or memory limit might cause the problems.

Please test the installation on a local server. If you can do the installation you can maybe dump and upload the database via phpmyadmin to the production server. In that case you have to upload the /config/settings.inc.php to the prod. server and change the values according to your prod. server database

define('_DB_SERVER_', 'xxx');
define('_DB_NAME_', 'xxx');
define('_DB_USER_', 'xxx');
define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'xxx');
define('_DB_PREFIX_', 'xxx_');

Best regards, trip

Edited by Trip (see edit history)
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