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Performance issue when using a large producttree

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We are exploring the possibilities of PrestaShop, our first impression is that this solution is dedicated for small shops. As soon as we increase the product tree or number of products the performance is degrading rapidily.

We have experienced the following:

We have a product tree of 57 categories with only a second level with some subcats. Loading time is 13 secs! for showing the home page and this on a dedicated very fast server. As you can imagine, this is impossible in a production environment with lots of visitors. Such a query should take less that 0.1 secs!

We examined the slow query log and indeed the query of the home page takes always at least 13 secs. Must be correct or rebuild the query? what about upgrades then ?

With these kind of categories we tried to import via the csv function some 11.000 products. We got a time out after 116 products were imported. Speed was 3 products per seconds whereas we are used to dump some 11.000 products within 0.03 secs when using load data into statements.

Please advise the limits of the shop.

How many categories can be used and how many products ?


Best regards


Koen Van den Bossche

Graphic Solutions


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You can also enable

define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);

in config/defines.inc.php.

Btw. first this was not working on my upgraded test installation.

Imo it is a good idea to set

/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);

in config/config.inc.php to show where hidden errors are. I for example had to reset 2 or 3 modules to get rid of all errors.

Best regards, trip

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have experienced the following:

We have a product tree of 57 categories with only a second level with some subcats. ...

With these kind of categories we tried to import via the csv function some 11.000 products.


It doesn't seem like a lot of categories and products (we handle 100s of thousands of product in 30 different categories - and 4 additional category levels-), not in Prestashop though :)


We will try to use Prestashop and see if it handle our data set.


As some other people mentioned here, it may well be a matter of tuning your db.


We are exploring using Mem SQL with Prestashop.

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