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Mise a jour 1.5 --) probleme sql !

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bonjour , je suis sous prestashop , je voudrais bien passer a la version 1.5 final , mais impossible , a chaque fois j'ai le message , "Erreur(s) détectée(s) pendant la mise à jour."

et j'ai toute une liste d'erreur "SQL"




[ERROR] SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_image` ADD UNIQUE KEY `idx_product_image` (`id_image` , `id_product` , `cover`): Duplicate key name 'idx_product_image'

[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_category_product` DROP INDEX `category_product_index`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_category`, `id_product`): Can't DROP 'category_product_index'; check that column/key exists

[ERROR] SQL 1091 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_category_lang` DROP INDEX `category_lang_index`, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms_category`, `id_lang`): Can't DROP 'category_lang_index'; check that column/key exists

[ERROR] SQL 1060 in ALTER TABLE `ps_order_tax` ADD `id_order_tax` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST: Duplicate column name 'id_order_tax'

[ERROR] SQL 1061 in ALTER TABLE `ps_feature_lang` ADD INDEX feature_name (`id_lang`, `name`): Duplicate key name 'feature_name'



etc ...... , la liste est très longue .


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