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Problems after importing CSV-file

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Hello all,

I’m quit new here and also with the script and I was wondering if there’s an option undoing changes made bij importing csv file when things really got messed up in the admin area.

By example in my case now: Importing the products list went Ok. Thats fine now, all the products needed are there, where not in the right categories as my supplier didn't provided like that but that all could easily be customized in prestashop.

Problem 1: Now everytime I try to Add a new product manually I get the complete list of images below the info area, about all the image that are on the host so it takes an enormous time before the first page is loaded. The field has the name 2 (similar to the import image tab) but as said it shows all possible images without really showing them(as those are really not there so thats not the problem but listing them is).

The problem is gone as I wait until everything loads and add the new product(without even using the import image field) and save it en return to the same product(the button below)

Problem 2: When I choose the button "save and return to categorie" everytime it cannot find the page. (I Noticed this one only happens when I use the Combinations Module generator, to fill in clothes sizes)

Any idea some one?

Thanks in advance.


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