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Problems with Posting in the Spanish Forum and Moderators

El Patron


On several occasions we have posted in the Spanish forum only to have our posts deleted or when posting a new product have some arbitrary rule that we are not supplying in 'their' format.


We work hard (and pay) for our Spanish translations for every product and sell many of our modules to Spanish speakers. We are not always up to date with our translations but they are on our to do list.


Today a member needed to duplicate their site to run separate shops. One of our modules does this but I get a pm from Moderator Nadie that my post was was off topic or some other excuse and deleted.


Nadie do you have a concept of what our module does or is our translation that bad?


The Spanish forum is part of the community, just like everyone else and should follow the same rules and be more patient for those that are not Spanish first language speakers.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 10:40 AM, elpatron said:


Today a member needed to duplicate their site to run separate shops. One of our modules does this but I get a pm from Moderator Nadie that my post was was off topic or some other excuse and deleted.




The person asked how to import products from their distributor, not duplicating a store.



Sorry for my english

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Post elpatron:




Questión topic:




Topic: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/189861-integrar-productos-de-mis-distribuidos-en-mi-tienda-prestashop/



Forum Rules:






No advertising


Apart the forum "Paid modules, job offers and paid services," advertising is forbidden on the English forums outside of the signature.

In respect for others, please do not post your advertising in a topic of another provider.

Lastly, if you are advertising for a site that proposes your services, this web site must contain all the information proving the legality of your activity (legal mention, etc.).


Any advertising that does not respect these rules will be immediately deleted.






In forums other than "Paid modules, job offers and paid services", links to a site offering paying products are prohibited unless that link answers the question asked in the topic. Such a link must point precisely to the concerned product page. Responses to another user's post containing non-relevant links or content, even in the "Paid modules, job offers and paid services" section, will be deleted.

These rules are valid whether the posts are made by the product's creator or by a third party.


Any link that does not respect these rules will be immediately deleted.


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  On 9/23/2012 at 11:01 AM, elpatron said:

...if I or someone else has a solution to a posters question then it's not advertising or SPAM.


That is the difference...


Forums are to help and support, you have sections of "Paid modules, job offers and paid services" to advertise their modules.


My opinion is that it was advertising.


Be serious.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 11:08 AM, elpatron said:

I totally disagree with you and take offense to your accusations.


Forums are to help, not to advertise your business, as stated in Section: Paid modules, job offers and paid services.


One issue is to recommend a module, another commercial advertising, and certainly not fully understand the question.


Sorry for my English.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 10:40 AM, elpatron said:

On several occasions we have posted in the Spanish forum only to have our posts deleted or when posting a new product have some arbitrary rule that we are not supplying in 'their' format.



It is the first message has deleted you, I've never deleted a message from you.


Sorry for my English.

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Here is another example, we posted our module in the Spanish forum.




In two minutes of our post you 'quoted' the entire posting telling us that we did not conform to some rule.


I was very disappointed with your quick reaction to something we put a lot of time and effort in. It has really turned us off on doing any more Spanish content.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 11:21 AM, elpatron said:

Here is another example, we posted our module in the Spanish forum.




In two minutes of our post you 'quoted' the entire posting telling us that we did not conform to some rule.


I was very disappointed with your quick reaction to something we put a lot of time and effort in. It has really turned us off on doing any more Spanish content.



That was a recommendation, the recommendations allow maintaining a more organized forum.


If you write in the Spanish forum, you should at least try to read the recommendations. (Not required, but recommended)


PD: I've never deleted a topic, not to follow the recommendations. (recommendations are optional)


You have the recommendations as "pinned" in the section the forum.


Sorry for my English.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 10:40 AM, elpatron said:

The Spanish forum is part of the community, just like everyone else and should follow the same rules and be more patient for those that are not Spanish first language speakers.


I sent a private at the same time that I clear the message.



Sorry for my English.

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Sin animo de levantar polémica.


En mi opinión y gracias a intervención de "elpatron" nos ha privado a los usuarios del foro en español del mejor moderador que tiene el foro, un tío que vale su peso en oro y que su labor es inestimable.


A los hispano hablantes nos importa mucho más una persona que se desvive en ayudarnos que otra que ganar dinero vendiendo sus módulos.


Para el que no hable español, usar el traductor de Google, tan y como he hecho yo para entender todo esto.

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This is difficult to understand your message with Google translate.


My take is, Nadie was an invaluable resource for Spanish forums and users would rather have him than having modules pushed on to them.


If the situation is such that a member who spent considerable time helping other members for only alturistic reasons discards his efforst and leaves (and he may not be the last) then it is time to take stock.


I think we (at PrestaShop) are a bit faulty about this situation.


This is a start. Now let's see what you are going to do about it.

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He estado leyendo el mensaje, y yo no tengo ningún problema con ningún usuario.


Yo borre el mensaje por que yo lo vi comercial en la zona de discusión general, pero no quiere decir que un enlace hacia un modulo sea comercial, sino el sentido del mensaje, que en principio no tenia ninguna relación con la pregunta . (Pero es solo mi opinión y como toda persona me puedo equivocar)


Pero este asunto no tiene ninguna relación, con que me haya ausentado del foro.


Podríamos decir que unas de las razones por la que he decidido ausentarme, es que le he dedicado mas del 95% de mi tiempo a dar soporte de forma totalmente altruista en el foro de Prestashop, y bueno como todo en la vida, hay cosas que ya no se pueden sostener, he invertido mucho tiempo, pero no puedo seguir invirtiendo ese tiempo y esa dedicación al foro.


Un Saludo,

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  On 9/26/2012 at 6:45 PM, phrasespot said:

If the situation is such that a member who spent considerable time helping other members for only alturistic reasons discards his efforst and leaves (and he may not be the last) then it is time to take stock.


I do not think the situation is like that. I never considered nadie's departure was due to the discussion concerning a commercial post.

I just told that the rules in the other languages forums should be clearer, because there are not officially.


  On 9/26/2012 at 6:45 PM, phrasespot said:

This is a start. Now let's see what you are going to do about it.


I think all we can do for the moment is to apply the English rules to these forums.

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