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Need some help with some code

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I am trying to add the manufacturers logo and also a link to the manufacturer in the product page and i have become very confused with the code.

So far I have come up with the following code

<!-- logo -->

getmanufacturerLink($product->id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="Click for more products by {$manufacturer->name}">
id_manufacturer}-medium.jpg" alt="{$manufacturer->name}" />

This code displays the correct logo but, and its this bit that confuses me, when you follow the link it takes you to the wrong manufacturers page but with the correct products.

For example product 1 is from manufacturer 1, when you click the logo it takes you to manufacturer 2's page, but the products listed are from manufacturer 1.

This has really confused me for a few days now, and now i am hoping someone might be able to spot the error in the code.

I do have this on a live test site, but dont want the site crawled so would rather not post the url here.


Edit to say that for some reason the code is displaying properly on the forums.

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