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Expanding footer

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Hi All,


I have a strange issue here, I would like to show all available products on one page, the default PS being 10. After making the change in the BO to '200' per page. the current 110 products or so are displayed fine, but the footer has expanded to 100%.


I discovered the trigger is 11 products, so I suspect the system is still holding the default quantity of 10.


Reading what others have suggested (with other problems) I changed the quantities to 200 within the FrontController.php turned the 'Force Compile' & 'Cache' on and off. And just for good measure deleted temp smarty files. But the problem is still the same.


I don't suspect the footer itself (Easy footer - Prestalove) as its fine on all other pages.


I did notice there is a missing </div> within the PS 'footer' div, please see my images.


Any suggestions would be a great help!


Many thanks in advance



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You are diagnosing missing div from the chrome dev tools which is not possible as you would see what the browser interprets there and not the faulty code in that pane**. What you assume is an extra div will have an opening tag somewhere up the page if you investigate more carefully.


It is difficult to diagnose the issue from a screen capture. Set the shop state to the problem state and post a URL where the problem can be seen.


** To further elaborate, attached to this post is a doc with bad mark-up (a stray closing tag). View it in chrome dev tools to see what I mean


Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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