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Internal Server 500 error


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I'm getting rather too many internal server 500 errors than I would like. They are happening at different and varied times on just clicking a CMS or product link. What is generally the cause of this and what can I do about it? Thanks


turn on displaying errors in configuration file and if you can catch the errors. Maybe you have access to log files in your server? You can find out there where the problem exists

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Thanks, done that.

If an error occurs, will it be recorded to a log then? Thanks

Note the name of the setting you are changing: display_errors. Errors occuring likely to display. It may not (e.g. if it is a bad .htaccess file), then conatct your hosting provider for the location of server error log as Benjamin suggested. They will be recorded there.

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There is also a raw access log but not sure if that can be of use. Herewith an extract



- [24/Sep/2012:14:12:42 +0200] "GET /en/robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 301 20 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)" - - [24/Sep/2012:14:12:43 +0200] "GET /fr/page-non-trouvee HTTP/1.1" 404 7459 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)"

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OK I found an error log in my cpanel.

[Mon Sep 24 16:47:55 2012] [error] [client myip] File does not exist: /home/ipcas/public_html/mjlvideo.fr/500.shtml, referer: http://mjlvideo.fr/fr/commande


Your server is set the serve a custom error document, 500.shtml for 500 responses. A condition that causes 500 response to be served is occuring but the custom 500 document to be served is not being located. This error is different, and in addition to the condition causing the 500 error.


Bad condition -> serve custom 500 document -> cannot find custom error doc -> raise file does not exist error


There is also a raw access log but not sure if that can be of use. Herewith an extract

- [24/Sep/2012:14:12:42 +0200] "GET /en/robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 301 20 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.html)"

Hello markjl, is there a baidu spider module installed on your PrestaShop?


Sigh. Benjamin the log shows the successful response to a request of baidu spider visit. It is just a user agent string from the server logs common to every server log and unrelated to any errors.


It is likely the case that the error log for your domain is separate from the main error log for the entire server. Contact your host and ask them to send a copy of error log.

Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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Thanks Benjamin and Phrasepot for your responses.

I'm just trying to find out really what data I can use to trace the source of the internal server 500 error. Could there be something in the server logs (the raw access log is quite large) that would help or should I be looking elsewhere? Thanks.

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the server logs (the raw access log is quite large) that would help or should I be looking elsewhere?

Server access and errors are generally logged in separate files. So raw access logs in that case is unlikey to be any use. Find out where the errors are logged and look there for and hints.

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