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Order confirmation page issue I am really struggling to ressolve

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I am having a nightmare trying to remove some text on the final confirmation payment page it says "your order will be sent soon" and I want to remove that text line I have tried all sorts now, I know I can edit the line through the translation tab and go into module translations but it just wont let me into the page my other prestashop lets me in but not this one..... anyway I have outlined below.

Heres what I have done so far

1. Spoke with my host to raise the limits on fields so I could edit the issue through the modules translation page this is what comes up now

Warning, your hosting provider limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form:

1000 for max_input_vars

Please ask your hosting provider to increase the suhosin post and request limit to 1362 at least. or edit the translation file manually


My host says the above is set to unlimted so there shouldn't be an issue??


Next we went into FTP and went in the theme folder order-confirmation.php and tried to edit the field from there, we deleted the text but still it appeared on the page for some reason even though it had been deleted??

Is there anohter folder the text is in? what could be the problem with the translation module not coming up right because the field is set to max on the host?

Please help pleaseeeee haha

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