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Zoombox / Thickbox (or pictures with captions) in CMS pages?

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Dear Prestashop community,


I have a quick question regarding the integration of pictures into Prestashop CMS-pages. What works great is including the picture in the cms editor via the "insert/edit image" function (see picture below):



However, using this function I see the following disadvantages:

  • I have to re-size and compress each image manually before uploading to the "to-be size" (otherwise it'd be uploaded in full size/resolution and only "re-sized" by the browser)
  • The image is shown without any caption or subtitle (compared to, e.g. wordpress, where you can add a description below each picture, see picture below): post-283581-0-75938300-1348153277_thumb.jpg
  • I cannot click on the image to zoom into a bigger version (compared to, e.g., wordpress, where clicking on a picture loads a bigger version of the picture on a new page)

What I am looking for is a funcationality which is similar to Wordpress (as described above) or maybe a Zoombox / Thickbox as used in the shop when clicking on a product picture.


Does anyone have a clue on how to achieve this functionality?


Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,


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