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Contact form in prestashop

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In the contact form First i need to insert more fields, need to modify the contact form. I think i can do this. Problem is I dont know how the current contact-form is configured. I mean where does the message from the user goes? if it sends an email how can i change that email address since i am not getting any mails. Second if it does not sends an email how can i make it send. and Third if i modify the form and enter couple of more fields would i need to change the mailer module which is connected to contact form?


I hope you understand my question.



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I assume you are using PrestaShop 1.4x


1 The message is sent by email, it also saved into database, you can see the message at


Back office - Employees tab - Customer Service tab


2.The email will also send customer to customer


3. The message will be sent to the email address configured in back office

Back office - Employees tab - Contacts tab

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In version 1.5. the actual sending of the emails is done in /controllers/front/ContactController.php.


If you want extra fields in your contact form and/or changes in the way emails are sent, you need to know basic PHP. It's not really hard though: I am a PS newbie, but an experienced PHP programmer and it took me about an hour.

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  On 3/4/2013 at 1:22 PM, cool and charming said:

hi ..! How can i create a contact form for menu list.if i click contact us page link i should get the contact form..! how can i do it..?


haw what additional fields you want to add?

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