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Paypal express checkout not adding shipping cost unless item is added to cart

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I was getting ready to launch and i'm using the free paypal module for checkout and was doing a test run before launching.


If an item is but in the cart and the paypal express checkout button is hit the shipping is added but if the item hasn't been added to the cart the shipping isn't added to checkout on paypal.


Is this a prestashop or paypal issue?


Is there a way to only allow paypall express checkout if they add the item to the cart that seems like the easiest fix. Haven't found a way so if anyone can help greatly appreciated


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I thought the point of this forum was to resolve problems with each other not to give each other a paid solution. If I wanted a paid solution I would have gotten your module from the beginning. regardless of the matter I went back to opencart since this community doesn't really help each other and too many of the basic modules are just to expensive. It called OPEN SOURCE for a reason!

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