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Is there some way to set discounton on total amount while checking ou

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Is there some way to set discounton on total amount while checking out?
Could be useful.
For ex customers would have may be discount only buying more then 100.00 euro.
Or even better from 0 to 100 euro no discount.
From 100 to 500.00 euro 10% discount
more then 500.00 205 discount.
What do you think?

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I haven't worked much with vouchers myself, but I believe that's the way to do it. The vouchers don't get applied automatically as it sounds like you'd want to have happen, but you could easily publish the voucher codes somewhere on your site for all your customers to see. Let me know if you want more detailed steps on using vouchers and I'll see what I can do to help.

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I did something like this for a the shop I did the tax for (in my signature).
A 3% discount is added when a payment form COD is chosen.
It's not exactly the same, but pretty close.
I'll be happy to send you the code, just shoot me an email.

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I did something like this for a the shop I did the tax for (in my signature).
A 3% discount is added when a payment form COD is chosen.
It's not exactly the same, but pretty close.
I'll be happy to send you the code, just shoot me an email.

well actually I wish I couldfind something based on amount.More you spend the more you get discount
But many thanks to anyone that answer.
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It really wouldn't be that had to add to what I did, instead of always adding a certain discount, you'll have to pick it based on the total order (which is available at that point).

You just need to be familiar with the code....

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