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Website not updating. cache problem

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Hi All,


I am new to prestashop and I have been putting a lot of time into learning how it works but I have hit a problem that I can't solve.


Any changes, I make are not updating on my site straight away, sometime it can take 10min sometimes it can take 5hours.


I am aware that this has to do with cache but all the work arounds I have read up on have not fixed my problem.


I have disabled the Cache and enabled Force Compile and did a refresh manually, but it still does not work.


I just recently updated my shop to ver to see if this would fix the problem but it has done nothing.


I have even tried to clear the cache manually before by emptying the following folders







Since I have upgraded these folders no longer exist I only have a smarty folder but it does not have compile or cache.


This is a very frustrating problem as I need to see the changes to help me learn what I am doing.


Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Any change that I make to the theme or layout is what is not updating.


for example if I change the logo position from the left to the right or if I change the background image of a block.


Any changes I make through the BO like front page text changes immediately.

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clear your browser cache when updating .css (assuming you have expires for browser cache) as you are probably changing the .css for logo. make sure to use f5 often, i.e. refresh without using browser cache...


if you are changing .tpl files then you must turn off smarty cache.


and it helps if you specify exactly which file you updated that does not show...as there are several kinds of caches...I have problems running file cache...for example

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Yes you are correct I am changing the .css with a program called stylizer as I am only new to this I have not got to the .tpl files yet.


I have tried to clear everything I have even used different computers at different locations still with no joy.


I also have checked the .css file through my ftp after I have made changes to make sure the changes have in fact been saved and they have they are just not reflected on my site.

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  • 5 months later...

No solution to this. I'm having the same problem, after updating the background image in the global.css file it won't show, and then suddently it works and it's gone again`?


Is it a problem with my hosting company?





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  • 2 years later...

   Actually this is the exact same problem I have with my site.

Cleared cache automatically and manually, cleared browser cache, even tried diff computers.

Disabled/caching on fs and css and back again numerous times.

Changes in css files (not only global.css) are on the server but do not reflect.

It feels like there's a "permanent caching"  active somewhere, but it's not. It's just the feeling because the site gets 'stuck in time' and reflects changes at random intervals, sometimes hours, and not on all computers at once.

It's an INSANE problem!

My site is here: http://condurbyalexandru.com/d-alexandru/

I cannot face my clients saying I made required changes and the chancges not showing.

I am not a newbie so I know almost everything about caching systems. But the issue is real and damaging.

Please help!

Edited by Attrexx (see edit history)
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