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Birthday Voucher Expiry Issue

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The voucher expiry is kept in date and time format in database, however during the generation of the voucher, it is stored only date format. So customer having birthday on 18 August will have the voucher expired on 18 Sep at 00:00:00 time. Thus this appears as 18 Sept when they view under My Voucher but when they use it during that day, it will not be usable because of the time issue.


Ideally the expiry date should be like 2012-09-17 23:59:59.


I have part of the code here but I dont know how to manipulate it, can anyone help?


$voucher->date_to = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('+1 month'));


Thanks in advance

Edited by boylibre (see edit history)
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