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Free shipping in USA after a certain price, how do I set up foreing countries to always be charged?

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I have set my store up to allow for free shipping in the USA on orders $150 and up. But now I need to set it up to allow for calculating shipping to foreing countries without using the USA free shipping logistics. How do I do this? ::Frustrated::


Prestashop need more options :)

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When you say set up, did you customize your shipping to support this? If you used native PrestaShop shipping only then you would just create different shippers for the country you plan on shipping to.


The more glaring problem is that non-logged users outside of the US are assigned the default shop country.

Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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Hello PrestaNub, yes elpatron has a good suggestion. You can set up your Free Shipping to only effect the United States, if that Free Shipping respected Carrier is only enabled for the United States. You can set up other Carriers that will be enabled for the international countries and that will not have the Free Shipping.


I dont understand how that would work if the free shipping at a certain price is enabled in the general shipping tab and not the UPS/FedEx module. Sure I could say that Ground is free for UPS in their module however then a 5 dollar order would come with free shipping and this wont work.



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  • back office-->Shipping-->Carriers
  • edit your US carrier
  • assign your US carrier to North America
  • create another carrier for your international shipping and assign it's zone

The additional carriers are for the countries you have enabled in your customer registration country drop down box.


tip: international...non-logged international visitors see your shops default country product catalog. So avoid showing shipping charges until they visitor login. I just published a module to resolve this non-logged default shop country usage.


So once you see how you can assign carriers to zones you can then start thinking of price by country via product--prices tab or Currency by country, shipping-->countries edit country and assign that countries default currency.


PrestaShop is for me anyway a perfect platform for geo targeting your product catalog by country, (well except for non-logged visitors :))



(note: you may need to create your own zones to fit your needs)




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