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Introduction and a Problem

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Hello Prestashop forums,

I was going to post this in bugs, but it seems that I cannot do that yet because of my membership status.

My name is Kevin and I am trying to build a site however I just have 1 problem that I need to fix

I am having the biggest problem with the shipping zones. I create zones but it does not save with
the carrier, therefore at checkout, it gives the message "There is no
carrier available that will deliver to this address! "

How would I fix this? If you could redirect me to a tutorial, that would be

Thanks to everyone in advanced :]

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Make sure when you create or edit the carrier, you have checked the proper zone checkbox where the customer's address located. For example, the customer's address (based on his/her country and state) located in Europe zone, then the carrier that customer select when he/she create an order has the Europe zone, or you have checked this Europe zone while you create or edit that carrier. Please check again. Good luck! ;-)

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Make sure when you create or edit the carrier, you have checked the proper zone checkbox where the customer's address located. For example, the customer's address (based on his/her country and state) located in Europe zone, then the carrier that customer select when he/she create an order has the Europe zone, or you have checked this Europe zone while you create or edit that carrier. Please check again. Good luck! ;-)

Hello Masino :],

Thank you for your reply, however my problem occurs with the carrier. I try to save a zone to the carrier, but it dosent save, I click the checkbox but I everytime I go in to edit the carrier, the zones are not saved
here is a screenshot
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Unfortunately, I could not access that URL, even I have tried several times, the result from my browser is always:

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w155/kevinjo_2007/layout stuff/screen-5.jpg

I am currently using 1.2 Alpha 1 version as this version is not recommended for production. I tried in my localhost, everything is just fine. When I checked one of the zone item, then I clicked on the Save button, there is no error happened and the changes has been succesfully saved. Actually, this error has ever happened with me, as I have not checked the zone checkbox which has the relationship to the customer's address. But, after I checked this, everything was go back normal and the customer can select this carrier and finish his/her order.
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