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Update Quantity via custom PHP - mail alerts not working. Please help

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Can't seem to get the mail alerts module to execute when a quantity is updated.


All the quanties re updating correctly when I view the product through the BO but it just never fires off the mail alerts hook so none of the customers will get emails when the product is back in stock.


Please help.. :( I'm stuck... please discard the product Id i have hard coded it's just for testing.



This is my script:



$row = 0;

$update_table = "ps_product_attribute";

$fileName = "update.csv";

// Load gloabl libs
$site_base_path = "../";
include($site_base_path . 'config/config.inc.php');
require_once($site_base_path . 'classes/Link.php');
require_once($site_base_path . 'classes/Product.php');
require_once($site_base_path . 'classes/Module.php');
require_once($site_base_path . 'init.php');

$handle = fopen($fileName, "r");

while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 100000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);
echo "\n";
echo "( $row )\n";
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
if ($c = 1) {
$reference = $data[($c - 1)];
echo $reference . " - Reference Assigned\n";
if ($c = 2) {
$quantity = $data[($c - 1)];
echo "</br> "."UPDATE ".$update_table." SET quantity=".$quantity." WHERE reference='".$reference."'"."</br> ";
Db::getInstance()->Execute("UPDATE ".$update_table." SET quantity=".$quantity." WHERE reference='".$reference."'");
echo $quantity . " - Quantity updated\n";

if ($c = 3) {
$price = $data[($c - 1)];
Db::getInstance()->Execute(("UPDATE $update_table SET price='$price' WHERE reference='$reference'")  
or die(mysql_error());  
echo $price . " - Price updated\n";		
if ($c = 4) {
$active = $data[($c - 1)];
mysql_query("UPDATE $update_table SET active='$active' WHERE reference='$reference'")  
or die(mysql_error());  
echo $active . " - Activity updated\n";
echo "_____________________________________________________\n";




$sqlRecs = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS("select id_product, sum(quantity) as qty from ps_product_attribute where id_product = 11554 group by id_product");

foreach($sqlRecs as $rec){
//Db::getInstance()->Execute("update ps_product set quantity = ".$rec['qty'].' where id_product = '.$rec['id_product']);
echo "\n</br> Updated ID: ".$rec['id_product']."\n";

$args['product_id'] = $rec['id_product'];
$args['quantity'] = $rec['qty'];

Module::hookExec('updateQuantity', $args);


echo " \n";
echo "  -  -  -  SUCESSFULY COMPLETED  -  -  -  ";

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Hello chetwyn and Ron, thank you for the message. If you could, please provide the Version of PrestaShop you are running. Also, if you believe this to be a bug, you can post it on our Bug Tracker Forge here . We are working very hard everyday to continuously make PrestaShop better. Thank you for choosing PrestaShop!





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