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Upgrade from 1.4.9 to 1.5 - no FO

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I get this 2 errors


Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The first argument should be either a string or an integer in /home/mobila/public_html/feronerie-mobilier.com/classes/Currency.php on line 413


Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/mobila/public_html/feronerie-mobilier.com/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 300


Also i cannot acces in BO customers, some modules are not working, etc

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I´m experiencing the same problem. I have upgraded from to i deactiveted all not default modules, switched to PS1.5 default theme and problem persist...


Probably becouse of there is issue with saving Units under Localization (maybe even more setting can´t be saved).

Every time when I save Units and data for currency they are reset to default values, so FO can´t handle some blank variables for currency). Has anyone figured out solution? I already searching for solution and i will update here if i found some...

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EDIT: Wrong way, works badly… but maybe its a good starting point



This is a very weird way to solve. I supose there should be a technical easy way.



1. Backup everything. The database via prestashop and the files on your ftp.


2. Make a clean 1.5 install. Configure untill your shop works (name, user, theme…).

3. Back up your 1.5 database via phpmyadmin (or wathever your hosting uses to manage databases). Export ps_configuratioy separately.

4. Delete the tables of the database, leave the database clean.

5. Import your old 1.4 database there.

6. Put /install folder again in hosting.

7. Open /config/settings.inc.php and modify define('_PS_VERSION_', ''); to define('_PS_VERSION_', '');

8. Run /install/upgrade/upgrade.php

9. It should give no install error, but the shop will continue with the FO error.

10. Go to database, delete ps_configuration (and all ps_module, ps_module_access, ps_module_country, ps_module_currency, ps_module_group, ps_module_preference, ps_module_shop) table, import the ps_configuration (and all the mentioned ps_module) table you exported on step 3.


Now it should work.


11. Go to ps_employee, open and edit password like this (second way): http://www.webhostin...-admin-password

12. Enter your BO, configure theme, modules, etc.

13. Copy your old image files to the new /img

Edited by mercro (see edit history)
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