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Upgrading to fails with ajax error jqXHR

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I tried to upgrade Prestashop from to

This failed with the following error:


[Ajax / Server Error] textStatus: "error" errorThrown:"Internal Server Error" jqXHR: ""


during database upgrade, step:

all files has been upgraded. Now upgrading database. this can take a while ...


This has occured during second attempt.

During first attempt the upgrade procedure rolled back automatically.





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had same error, replace autoupgrade module with latest version would do the trick, though can't find latest autoupgrade module on svn!


Manual fix explained at : http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFV-4074


- copy the function get_tab_id () from youradminfolder/autoupgrade/latests/prestashop/install/upgrade/php/migrate_tabs_15.php into the file youradminfolder/autoupgrade/latests/prestashop/install/upgrade/php/clean_tabs_15.php


- before retrying the 1clickupgrade, set the options to use the local folder, so ps won't redownload and overwrite the edited files

Edited by Tito (see edit history)
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If Tito's solution does not solve your particular issue


Error "[Ajax / Server Error] textStatus: "error" errorThrown:"Internal Server Error" jqXHR: """


This states an Internal server error is the problem.


Could be a number of things - but in essence it usually means a script did not complete. This can be because it could not find a required (include) file referenced in the script or that the script requires more memory than is allocated in php.ini settings or the script was taking too long and came up against a time limit imposed by either php or apache itself.


You need to look at your apache error logs to get more information. If you do not have root access to the server you could try asking your hosting company to look.


Even though you are using an upgrade rather than a fresh install the error could be caused by the same issues as below





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I would like to try Tito's solution : I manage to modify the php file but then it is impossible to launch the update from the local server on 1ClickUpgrade page : the only difference I noticed with the download way to update is that the differences between the two versions can't be shown just below. And so the button "Launch the update" never shows up.


Do anyone know what's the problem or what I am doing wrong?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi people,


A new module version 1.0.6 will be out tomorrow 02/16 on http://addons.prestashop.com. This should correct several error.


This "ajax error" is very generic, it means that the answer from the server is badly formatted, generally because the request failed on the server and the page gets no answer or an empty answer. So it is more a symptom than the real php error in fact...


Best regards

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Try uninstall/reinstall the 1click upgrade module and look that you really have the latest version. 1.0.5 had a bug. Just overwriting the module via ftp or whatever is not enough. Replace the old module and uninstall/reinstall it to be sure that is properly initialized.

Best regards, trip

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hello Trip,

thank you for your suggestions, I did all that even deleted the hosting directory, reinstalling everything anew but alas always with the same result. i did successfully install version 1.49 and tried to upgrade from there and yes with 1click version 1.06.

While i like prestashop a lot - i really do not have days to waste on this project.

Best regards

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Hi Thai Hotspot. Than I only recommend stay with 1.4.9. and wait for 1.4.10. If you don't need multishop and/or don't have the time than welcome to my world. You would not imagine how many installs I made here in my test invorenment. No offense. But "wasting time" is part of the free open source game. Alternatively you hire a professional.I can assure you that it is somehow possible. If the automatic installer does not work you can do a manual upgrade but as I said. When you don't have the time .... never change a running system. You will 100% sure run into further problems.

I give you another advice. Test the upgrade on a local server and when you are 100% sure you encountered and fixed every problem that might occur than do an upgrade on the live server. Do not trust the backup tool of the upgrade module neither. Copy/backup everything 2 or 3 times and prepare yourself to upload a backup as you soon as you see things go wild. Trust me I know what I am talking about.

Chock dii Khap, trip

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Hello Trip, sorry for the delay in replying to your message but i was rather busy - still thank you again. I hope that I have resolved my problem by 1, installing the shop on my home pc first 2. configuring the basics of the shop 3. exporting the content of the database via phpmyadmin 4. dropping the prestashop database on the hosting server 5. importing the exported data from my pc to the database of the server 6. modifying the table ps_(or your prefix)shop_url to the correct domain address, 7. modify the settings.inc.php file in the config folder using a texteditor to reflect the correct dbase connection values 8. deleting the install folder and renaming admin (eg. admin321). 9. now you can start your shop by directing the browser to your site.

Trip, i know that you already have your shop up and running and looking good. This long winded work-around is for others faced with the same problem obviously a server-sided issue.

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Hi Thai Hotspot,

good work around and no -> I did not upgrade so far but did millions of test runs. They only reason I want to upgrade to 1.5.X.X, it the multishop feature. I tested that maybe 100 times and still there are at least annoyences. After all what I want todo I feel not very confident with the current behaviour. Already post a lot of bug reports. Unfortunatly the problem is not solved so far. Ok is it marked solved but the bug is still there. I am talking abbout http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-7383


The thing is, I have a shop where I really can not afford any downtime. Second. It is extremely difficult to revert a 1.5.xx. shop to 1.4.9. in my setup as some db tables are shared over different shop I would call it even impossible. So I am wating and waiting and waiting untill someday I hope a version comes out I am confident with I can not crash the whole shop with a bunch of clicks.


Thats why I said, if you do not need certain features maybe you go better with the old version instead of getting headaches :).


All the best, chock dii, trip

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