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[SOLVED] Prestashop Installation Fail

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I have exactly the same error.

I'm running the install on a local test system running XAMPP for Windows.

I've checked permissions in phpMyAdmin and they are all o.k. for root as well as specific users.


As per the above image, when you click on the link to go to to the previous step, it fails again with:

"1. SQL error on query Table 'ps_access' already exists"


I've then tried dropping all the tables and running again but the install stops at the original fail.

I've also tried dropping the whole database but no good.

Edited by deepee (see edit history)
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You can also check apache error log or use firebug to see which file causes the problem.

Best regards, trip


I have this following apache errors:


[sat Sep 15 07:48:00 2012] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 31 seconds, referer: http://xxx.xxxx.xxx/install/index.php?restart=true

[sat Sep 15 07:48:00 2012] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer: http://xxx.xxx.xxx/install/index.php?restart=true


Is it anything to do with mod_fcgid?

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I think I discovered the problem with my installation failing.


When I intitially unpacked the installation files I first tried to run an upgrade.

This meant I needed to copy my old settings.inc.php to the new installation folder.


The manual upgrade failed so I decided to run the normal installation routine.


I forgot about the change to settings.inc.php.


Once I had deleted all the new Prestashop installation files and uploaded them again without any changes, the install completed successfully.

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Nice deepee,

it is really hard to help with those problems if the descriptions are vague but nice that you fixed it. This is usually a good learning process.



Maybe script execution time is to low!? When you ask google about "mod_fcgid: read data timeout" you'll maybe find a solution. Maybe you did the same wrong like deepee. I do not have a crystal ball to predict what you did, what server spects and so on. So it is hard to help as we I do not know all the details.

Best regards, trip

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The error you are receiving is a timeout as stated by Trip. Unfortunately the timeout is generated by apache not php when running in Fast CGI mode (i.e. settings in php.ini will not solve this, and no override in an .htaccess file will be able to change this setting).


The default for apache is usually set around 30 or 40 seconds depending on the version of apache and exact server setup etc.. This error is likely to affect many users as it is a default setting which probably cannot be changed by users of virtual hosts using Fast CGI. It will most likely require their hosting company to change this value - if they are willing.


Those who have root access to their server can change the setting by amending the correct apache configuration file: the exact file and directory for this will depend on server OS. Also to further complicate things there are usually multiple "includes" or locations for files which are read in and combined to create the servers apache configuration. Which one you edit depends on whether you want to make a change global or affect only one domain. Indeed sometimes a new file needs to be created and then the host file rebuilt with a command and apache restarted.


I'm sure you are getting the drift that this is not a straightforward thing to change


The directive which needs to be amended or added is

<IfModule mod_fcgid.c> IPCCommTimeout 150 </IfModule>




<IfModule mod_fcgid.c> FcgidIOTimeout 150 </IfModule>


Depending on the version of apache. 150 is in seconds. This need to be amended in either httpd.conf or added/amended to a vhosts.conf file.


Previous installers for PS have not required such long times for the scripts to complete, therefore perhaps the installer script needs to be reworked to get around this issue?

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The error you are receiving is a timeout as stated by Trip. Unfortunately the timeout is generated by apache not php when running in Fast CGI mode (i.e. settings in php.ini will not solve this, and no override in an .htaccess file will be able to change this setting).


The default for apache is usually set around 30 or 40 seconds depending on the version of apache and exact server setup etc.. This error is likely to affect many users as it is a default setting which probably cannot be changed by users of virtual hosts using Fast CGI. It will most likely require their hosting company to change this value - if they are willing.


Those who have root access to their server can change the setting by amending the correct apache configuration file: the exact file and directory for this will depend on server OS. Also to further complicate things there are usually multiple "includes" or locations for files which are read in and combined to create the servers apache configuration. Which one you edit depends on whether you want to make a change global or affect only one domain. Indeed sometimes a new file needs to be created and then the host file rebuilt with a command and apache restarted.


I'm sure you are getting the drift that this is not a straightforward thing to change


The directive which needs to be amended or added is

<IfModule mod_fcgid.c> IPCCommTimeout 150 </IfModule>




<IfModule mod_fcgid.c> FcgidIOTimeout 150 </IfModule>


Depending on the version of apache. 150 is in seconds. This need to be amended in either httpd.conf or added/amended to a vhosts.conf file.


Previous installers for PS have not required such long times for the scripts to complete, therefore perhaps the installer script needs to be reworked to get around this issue?


It is server setup issues. I tried other server and worked.



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I know the thread is marked as solved, but moving the installation to a different server isn't really a solution in my opinion. I think the PS team maybe need to look at why the script takes so long to execute and balance this against the fact that the default time limit for a script to execute is 30 or 40 seconds as the default on apache. Not everyone can simply move to a different server. Previous installers worked within the default time limits therefore the ideal situation would be for the new installer to do the same.


If it really is not possible to amend the script to work within the default time limits (but surely it can be) perhaps the minimum execution time for the script to execute needs to be stated as a minimum requirement along with the minimum memory requirement for the script to execute of 32 mb.

Edited by markb (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...

I agree with markb - this issue is not solved at all.

We are now 3 years on the go since this issue was found but it is still there.


For me, as a novice prestashop user, itis a huge disappointment to get this type of error suring my first experience with PS: If this sort of thing happens during installation then what will happen when I'm using my shop later on?

No website should require a timeout this large, not even during installation and there is just one proper fix for this...



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