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all cms articles are not available after upgrade, page not found after clicking on article name

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Also in admin when I click to edit article the editor page is empty. Probably something with articles ID...


Trying to disable articles gives this error:


4 errors

  1. Object cannot be loaded (not found)
  2. An error occurred while updating status for object. cms (cannot load object)
  3. Object cannot be loaded (not found)
  4. An error occurred while updating status for object. cms (cannot load object)

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Try run the query below,



CREATE TABLE `ps_cms_shop` ( `id_cms` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_shop` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id_cms`, `id_shop`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;


INSERT INTO `ps_cms_shop` (id_shop, id_cms) (SELECT 1, id_cms FROM ps_cms);


ALTER TABLE `ps_cms_block` ADD `id_shop` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `id_cms_block`;

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I've just hit this problem too. Haven't tried the fix listed but wondering where it came from?

I looked in the SQL file that is used to create a fresh DB and there's nothing there about a table called PREFIX_cms_shop

At what point is this table meant to be created and is it meant to copy in the existing CMS pages?

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I'm not a computer expert, so SQL is Chinese to me. Could someone please explain a bit more detailed how and where I need to run the query? I don't want to experiment and risk that my site gets totally ruined... :unsure:


By the way: I see that there are dozens of issues reported with the CMS, isn't it easier to create a patch for this?

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