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show only products without images


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I want to modify admintracking.php in a way that shows me the products that don`t have a image yet.


I know how can i see all the products that have images, using this SQL statement :





FROM `ps_image`

WHERE `cover` =1


But the reverse is not possible


I was thinking of something like "select products that are only in ps_product, and are not in ps_image"


But i don`t know how can i do something like this.


If you have a idea, please help me :)

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I solved it. With a bit of reading from here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/select.html i figure it out how to compare the 2 products.


Now i will have to figure it how to exclude the disabled products (Solved)


This is directly for ps_


If you have another database, you have to change ps_ with your database. (Solved that too :D )



SELECT * FROM `ps_product` LEFT JOIN `ps_image` ON `ps_product`.`id_product`=`ps_image`.`id_product` WHERE `ps_image`.`id_product` IS NULL AND `ps_product`.`active` = 1


So the code is like this


SELECT `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`.`id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image` ON `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`.`id_product`=`'._DB_PREFIX_.'image`.`id_product` WHERE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'image`.`id_product` IS NULL AND `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`.`active` = 1


This is working with 1.4.9

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

SELECT `ps_product_shop`.`id_product` , `ps_product_shop`.`active`,`ps_product_lang`.`name`
FROM `ps_product_shop`
INNER JOIN `ps_product_lang` ON `ps_product_shop`.`id_product`=`ps_product_lang`.`id_product`
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` ON `ps_product_shop`.`id_product` = `ps_image`.`id_product`
WHERE `ps_image`.`id_product` IS NULL
AND `ps_product_shop`.`active` =1
AND ps_product_shop.id_category_default NOT
IN ( 2 )


The above query should work in PS1.6 version. Please replace ps with your DB-prefix. This will retrieve the id of the product, product name and its status which is not having images in the Web.:)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

This is an incredible tool for finding products with no images at all.


Can it be changed so it could show all the products that have broken images?

I have lots of products with broken images due to errors during image import... and it's impossible to find them one by one.


IE: the product has 5 images, one of them is ok and the rest are just showing questin marks.

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  • 11 months later...

This is an old thread but I had a similar problem with product cover image, here's an adaptation to find products without cover:


FROM ps_image
AND position = 1


Note that you might have to change position = 1 to 2, 3 or other depending on your setup, you might also try without that line:


FROM ps_image


But this might not be the best solution if you have multiple images per product, because this will return all images that are not flagged as cover.


Note: note that you have to substitute ps_ with your table prefix

Edited by Black RL (see edit history)
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